Good luck on your end. Secondly it also inadvertently caught out a lot of legitimate claimants who were flagged as fraudulent in automated system checks. According to political reporter Steve Terrell, the large number of claims is often a reason benefits are delayed or put on hold as there are simply too many applications for benefits for each application to be processed in a timely manner. On the news or in the paper, I always hear about all the money the US just hands out to third world countries without blinking an eye! It could mean anything depending on your case or what unemployment "thinks" is the case. Since April 1, there have been 32,273 new claims for unemployment benefits in Colorado, or an average of 2,300 per week, according to the U.S. Department of Labor. So sorry to hear what everybody is going thru, tried for the past few weeks to get verified, 1 mistake made on that stupid system I cannot move forward. Filed claims each week with New York State unemployment from 8-21 through 1-22 and never received a penny. Never collected Unemployment in my life. i been home with my kids taking care of them. Also in many cases many claimants think they are eligible for payments (e.g. Who has his own Twitter account, ignored the 50+ tweets and DMs. NEITHER DOES THE MEDIA OR ANY OF BIDENS THEFT OF ELECTION POSITIONS. They just say its waiting for approval. If you do face an issue with your claim getting stuck, denied or being put on hold, make sure you review official communication from your state UI agency or on their website to ensure you get compliant with what they are requesting and provide it via their online portals or to an official site/mailing address. This caused several weeks of delays for many claimants and per the above point if they ignored or missed the official requests for taking required validation actions they saw their claim get stuck. I am having issues being accepted now? FOR PEOPLE WHO LOST THEIR JOB! But you may still qualify for unemployment benefits from your state. In my state, they check these boxes multiple times daily. EBT has increased by 15% until September 6, 2021, so you should get the highest amount of EBT in your state. They include receiving additional income, failure to meet certain requirements, receiving an overpayment, failure to respond to an inquiry and submitting the claim late. Worked through Covid, when Alot of people bailed! Which I feel, should be FREEDOM OF CHOICE! Have worked in the Medical field for Assisted Living for over 7 1/2 years, loved every minute of it! Im not letting up on my claim its very legitimate and their responsibility to get things DONE right!! Dickinson says that could be because of the on-going unemployment fraud investigation. Yes! Its been very frustrating and stressful! But on Sunday, many reported that the button to access the questionnaire was missing on the state's unemployment portal, BEACON 2.0. Id love to know what to do. ALL BC MDOL WOULDNT DO THEIR FRIGGING JOB. An overpayment occurs when a recipient (claimant) of unemployment insurance benefits receives a benefit payment to which the claimant is not entitled. What to do???? However, reaching a live agent is no easy task and only around 10% to 20% of calls are being picked up or returned at this time given the massive volume of claims and new programs to manage. Most state unemployment agencies and have said the bulk of issues have been worked through and only a handful of complex cases remain to be resolved. I have already done this with no results to speak of. Than Lutheran set up a Termination Meeting with me. As part of new legislation to combat rampant fraud associated with the enhanced unemployment benefit programs, especially under PUA, new identity check requirements were put in place to verify claimants and their eligibility for benefits. NO CAR OR JOB. Ive apparently went through identity theft and have had to upload my DL and SSN which Ive done and completed. To see holds on your claim, l og into your MyUI+ account., $23 Minimum Food Stamp SNAP Benefit in 2023 For Many Seniors, IRS Tax Refund Calendar 2023 and Direct Deposit Dates. If you have provided all of the requested information, they are likely waiting on something from your previous employers. The suspension of the accounts led over a million unemployed Californians to learn of the situation in the last week. If you fail to provide necessary documentation on an unemployment insurance claim, your claim may be put on hold. I even asked for a call back from a supervisor and was told well theres no guarantee they can call you back. I have a pending issue on my unemployment claim right now because I had to file a completely new initial claim because they apparently owe me money from PUA. Will I ever get that retroactive pay? A supervisor put in mine manually and did not update for the following week. It makes us so sick to Think that everybody comes to the good old USA with nothing but when they leave they leave with an education ,no loans for school ,they get paid , get a Social Security number etc.. so who wouldnt want to come to America and get everything handed to them we look like the laughingstock of a country..Im pretty sure were not banging on other countries doors to better ourselves!! I am waiting since nov 21. A claim may need adjudication if there are questions regarding how a claimant left a job or other eligibility issues. Every .gov email apparently isnt working anymore. Same here in New Mexico. Apparently neither does anybody else in any of these departments nationwide! I cant believe its such as mess! GIVE IT UP. I have thought of ending my life over this because I cant pay my bills and so stressed out. Ummm, this letter is not proof, because I have not received one penny! This place is a joke!! even after several weeks. I am beyond frustrated and havent the slightest clue what to do. Im so sorry to hear youre going through this! Lol. Why not give some of the 200k unemployed people in NJ SOME JOBS!!!! The second category is non-separation. New claimants in 2021 had to provide this documentation within 21 days or their claim would have been suspended. Like many others I have been stuck since the Fraud knowing questionnaire showed up on April 14th 2021, right away I uploaded documentation they asked for and then waited a couple weeks for the determination. The total claims were about $6000. PENDINGGGGGGG (PENNSYVANIA). Basically, an unemployment claim stating that you qualify for support worth $0 is the first part of the application process even though it might seem profoundly upsetting at first. An error in the PA UI system would not let me file for my PEUC after my BYE date in July 2021. No questions or ID me or citizenship. People who forget to action official unemployment agency requests or alerts, Waiting on identity verification approvals, End of Pandemic Unemployment Benefits and $300 payment. For one thing, NEVER EVER EVER send an email and expect to get help. It will definitely be reflected in the polls. It is the same here in New York State. This same thing is happening to me. Hi Ariell. If there are claim issues that need to be processed on a claim to determine eligibility for Unemployment Benefits, these may require more information and time to process and payments may be held up during this time. Most states and do provide step-by-step guide on how to deal with identity issues through their app, so review these and ensure you have followed all the verification steps. I relate to so may things youve all have said. Even the NJDOLs commissioner! Bull crap. I wanted to know if it was me messing up my claim or them. 6. Ive tried everything everyone else has tried. That there are people as far back as may 2020 who are back logged. I am 50+ and have worked all my life, youngest is 15. I cry all time. From the first call to the last call its always the same conversation! If you were required to sign a release of claims by your former employer in order to receive the severance pay, then the payments are not disqualifying and you could be eligible to receive Unemployment Insurance benefits simultaneously. There have been issues reported with this system, even with the back-up manual trusted referee manual verification process, but it has led to an overall reduction in fraudulent claims. ALL THE GLORIFIED LIES THAT MDOL HAS THEIR ACT TOGETHER IS JUST THAT. The BEACON One . You might think your going to get paid . The lady said 2 weeks ago theyre backed up. There are several reasons your unemployment check may be pending. End of Benefit Year (BYE date) God bless!! I do know some people have contacted the media (real and social) or used alternative approaches to get attention for their pending claim, but it will be hard to get a specific resolution to your case via these means as a lot of times the reason for the claim suspension is specific to the claimant. received Monetary Determination letter in April 2021. Just recently lost my job due to the Vaccine Mandate! Its definitely a failed system! Its a shame I have no money to pay my bills, Hey how u doing do u got paid yet cause Im on escalate for 16 weeks and nothing i apply for unemployment since April 2021. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); 2023 Saving to Invest. Ive been stuck on the same screen for weeks asking support for help and they can never give me answers to my questions. The above points are not exhaustive and there are many states who are just behind advancing claims or responding to issues due to antiquated systems or resource constraints which have resulted in claim processing delays through no fault of the claimant. KEEP THEM STEADILY EMPLOYED AND HIGH BAKLOGS BC THEY ARE NOT GOING TO HELP YOU. I am absolutely fed up with this lack of competence displayed by my elected officials in Ohio. The agent on the phone now tells me my claim has to be escalated AGAIN. ALWAYS HAS. No one should have to wait this long for help. Also your state UI should have a formal appeals process. So I got a letter stating I have money left from the CCA (Continued Cares Act) its been over a week and still havent gotten paid. I have one felony Im 41 now and that has be 9 years and 7 months old and after passing all my DCFS training and Testing, I was ready to get cases at LSSI. Trying to beat higher prices for a odd jobs even by the health emergency In place all Im saying the constitution and laws have provisions.. Shouldnt we be able to report our state agencys for fraud instead of them routinely reporting us!!!. Check your account for specific reasons as to why we are holding your payment and to learn how you can release it. Many phone calls were made even to Our State Legislators Offices..The Representative from Unemployment who we spoke to keep on saying my husband birthdate he was correcting her to the right year.. Now our claim is in Monetary hold.. Aggravation to say the least so because of our state representative mistake now took away food from our mouth and bills that need to be paid its terrible to think how incompetent somebody is working for our state keep one day at a time ask God to give us strength to get through these trying difficult days God bless everybody. >> during mop's press conference, governor ron desantis said the payments made over the weekend show the unemployment benefit systems are improving. I filed for unemployment in February, 2022, and waited and waited for benefits. But the website were forced to use is broken. In addition, state employment agencies require documentation such as pay stubs and your employer's address and phone number. Oh wow! This has had two adverse effects when it came to unemployment claims. If your certification is submitted late, you will receive a phone interview and possible denial of unemployment insurance benefit payments. I get immediately hung up. I AM STILL JUMPING THROUGH HOOPS. "I was absolutely paralyzed in . We are on our own out here folks. Silver said the alert "is basically something that triggers the system that says 'hey, this claim might not be entitled to benefits' and it puts a hold on their payments." One of the biggest. Dont give a hoot about nothing but theyre pockets. I got the letter 1 day prior. For the 3rd TIME! KARMA IS A *&^%$. Get the latest money, tax and stimulus news directly in your inbox. LEAVE ALL CORRESPONDENCE YOU HAVE IN THIS BOX. Once the agency accepts and reviews the documentation, they will follow up for more information or restart the claim, including any retroactive payments. Still Processing. I lost my job in July 2021. It all leads you to believe that nobody actually gives a crap about you. LAST YEAR, I WENT 5 MONTHS WITH NO $ AND 100S OF LETTERS TO THE GOVERNOR, 50 STATES CONGRESSIONAL REPS WHO ARE SUPPOSED TO BE HELPING US BC TIFFANY ROBINSON @ MDOL DOES THINGS SLOPPILY. When you submit a payment, it may take up to three business days for the funds to be deposited into your account. GO TO HELL GOVERNMENT. Can someone please advise me thank you. Months ago, Mueller used the TWC's online website to file her claim and was receiving unemployment payments without fail. I cant even claim my weeks. In Massachusetts, this provides coverage for 26 to 30 weeks (adjusted during periods of low unemployment) with a weekly benefit payment of approximately 50% of your average . I am going on 9 weeks pay held in Ohio. Ive lost my apartment, car, life savings, and my daughters college money that I started saving at age 25!! I am praying for you. I received my weekly benefit amount but I didnt get my extra 300 how do I know if I will get it I still have eligible claims and a6000 dollars balance will I receive my extra 300 and how can I find out. I have the same problem , been since June 2020 , and still waiting on a adjudicator to contact me , I just got through again today after again and a Candace picked up the phone, put me on hold and got disconnected. Once I call Keybank and asked them if they received any confirmation from Unemployment they say NOT YET but speaking to a Supervisor from Keybank She said all they have to do is send in a email and it only takes a minute.. Good luck to you and Im praying everything works out! Once the appeal process is complete and a determination is made, the unemployment agency will send you a letter of determination and detail when you can file another claim if your appeal is . But they did, and they apologized for the situation NEW JERSEY put me in. or just need enough people broke and frustrated on the streets to keep the flow of trouble happening. See the sections below for the main reasons why and where applicable I have tried to offer some possible solutions and related articles with more information. Receiving Additional Income If the office is closed, like it is in my state, they should have a drop box located near the entrance to the building. Problem is Ive already done that. Many claimants have had their claim get stuck due to inaction or ignoring critical communication from their state unemployment department. Ive filled out forms in November and still nothing. I have called DOL but cannot get through. I have been told the same things everyone else has said. Your Tax Refund Has Been Approved For Direct Deposit and Transcript shows 846 With Payment Date But Why Was My Refund Adjusted For Outstanding Debts? This Sunday will be my 15th week of certification and it still says pending issues. PENDING . First payments may take a little longer. Dear Floridians, Thank you for trusting us to help you with your unemployment benefits. If you have done all this and still cannot get movement on your stuck or pending claim then the best course of action is to call your state unemployment agencys customer service call center and get help from an live representative. SO IF YOU WANT TO GET YOUR UNEMPLOYMENT MONEY KEEP CALLING. I cant win with this now Im still waiting and all they say is I turned in all needed verification and Im just waiting for adjudication team to sign off. A job I did since the age of 15!!! Ive also been waiting My Transcript Says N/A What Does That Mean How Do I Get Information About My Refund, Processing Date and Transcript Cycle Codes For 2023 Refund Payment Direct Deposit With PATH lifted, IRS Tax Transcript Code 826 Credit Transferred Out IRS Debt Offset and What It Means for Your Return and Refund Processing, 2023 Commodity Supplemental Food Program Helping Low Income Seniors and Children. This is almost exactly what I said the ones being patient humbled and most of all legit!!! Im not letting up on this claim I have a legitimate claim & they owe me! Things like: As soon as you get someone on the phone, say "Please take down my number and call me back if we get disconnected." Try calling really early in the morning. More than 31,000 Marylanders filed for benefits compared to 11,013 for the week ending January 2. Mine has been pending since July 2021, 15 weeks payment on hold. In some cases the adjucator may be able to make a decision after a conversation with a claimant. He also said he would give me a call back. Im a 61 year old divorced RN and PT Asst. Its very clear to me now . Most people who qualify wouldn't receive a cent from the state when the economy goes sour. I tried to file with our Human Rights Division for my Civil Rights be so violated as our Unemployment division has been closed for a year due to supposed remodel? But when we have a crisis RIGHT HERE? Something has got to give! Nobody knows anything about it. I tried calling and due to high call volumes, please call back click. Were in Alabama too. I thought, great! I have sent my ID and social more than 7 times to clear up any issues but STILL having issues of moving forward. Thousands jobless Floridians currently. The claimant is notified of an overpayment via the Notice of Benefit Overpayment (sent via a claimant's preferred communication method ), which will include the total amount of overpaid benefits. my claim is on hold because of a underpayment from 2013?!?! Going on 8 weeks without a paymentI have certified through Id.methey have put the money into my online account.but still says pending.5/23 will be 10 weeks..this sucks!! So just go and reapply in 5 more months bro. But for those eligible for the extended PEUC weeks, they would have needed to file a new claim in the majority of states (New Jersey auto processed new claims for BYE) and if they dont follow their states instructions on filing the new claim, generally at or soon after the BYE date, they could have seen their benefits lapse despite being eligible for extended weeks of coverage. This is the first time I am receiving unemployment insurance benefits. In April 2021, unemployment payments were directly deposited into the eligible claimant's bank accounts. I lost my job as a result of reduction in workforce. Baker said he applied for help in . The last time I was able to speak to an actual person, they advised me to keep claiming every week(which I have been) and still nothing. ( Cleared that up) then it was flagged for possible fraud. Some people collecting unemployment benefits from the state of Maryland say a normally simple weekly check-in online was far from that this time around. Im in NY. With outdated computer systems, overwhelmed unemployment staff, fraud, and confusing claims processes, the COVID-19 pandemic has made it especially hard to get your unemployment check, debit card . #bestwishes. Requirements for documenting your claim include proof of U.S. citizenship, your Social Security number, your work and wage history, and the reason for your job loss claim, such as the closure of your previous place of employment. I feel everyones pain for sure. 4 months now! The one friend I have think Im stupid and thinks I did something to make this happen. Over the last two years, our small but mighty legislative team has been inundated with questions about Florida's broken unemployment system so we've compiled some of the most frequent issues and questions on Florida's unemployment system and hope it provides some insight as we all continue to hold DEO . after they gave me benefits for 9months then without any warning nothing for 5 weeks now and my ebt just stopped the same week.. no warning just starving. Honey, you can say that again! COVID-19 Unemployment Benefits. EBT should not have stopped. It makes me mad that those on public assistance get everything handed to them and dont have to do a thing, but because I lost my job and some idiot decided to try to file a claim in MY name, Im being punished! The best advice at this point, if your claim is eligible, is to stay persistent and patient. Although some reasons for holds on unemployment claims are no fault of the applicant, taking the utmost of care in filing your unemployment claim can help prevent any problems or delays in receiving your benefits. According to the DOL, you should have gotten an email or text message with instructions about what to do, and a DocuSign form to fill out. Reasons why your payment might be delayed 1. With the end of the pandemic unemployment programs, only traditional/regular state unemployment benefits will be available in 2022, unless another extension is approved (highly unlikely). New federal provisions require PUA applications to show wage evidence documentation and/or it they dont want to accept the base payment. The NMDWS Unemployment Insurance phone center is open Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Central Standard Time. And its not only me! Plus, I only got 9 weeks of regular UI when in Alabama its supposed to be 14-20. Another sad story. Getting assistance from churches, friends and family is no way to keep living. Because of a lack of supporting documents, claimant eligibility issues, or a paucity of state staff to handle the claims, unemployment claims are placed on hold. Im still waiting for payments beginning in mid March through the end of June. Hi, I feel your pain. I contacted my Assemblyman again, but no response. In order to be paid benefits, you must request payment every week. 10 Things You Should Know When Filing Your Unemployment Insurance Claim. A day later, I received a phone call from DOL, confirming my information, and a day after that, I received all my back pay. Why is he still pending. He stated the email they had did not match what I gave him nor was my mothers maiden name spelled correctly. .OF COURSE AFTER LOSING MY JOB. . I have a Bachelors in Social work so I have been working whatever I could until I can get back into what I wanted to do to begin with. Please I need helpi havent received 5 weeks of check dont know how to go about it no nothing about computers I did speak to a girl 3 weeks ago she gave me a ID# and said some one will get in touch in 10 days no one called cant get through what can I do Im 88 yrs old in good shape still want to work. It is not unusual for a claim to go on hold for two weeks for DUA to verify information. We asked the Unemployment Compensation office why Clouser, and others like her haven't been paid. I would definitely call and find out why it has stopped. This is not the way I thought my life would end! Tried calling about 50 times but each call cut out due to high call volume. But all my vouchers, etcsay no issues. Why cant they just take the yellow box that reads attention: something is wrong with your account OFF. Before I EVEN HAD KIDS! Hi Abby. Present day, my claim is still pending. That two-week wait is not a reason to suppose that DUA has a major issue with your claim. Unemployment claims on hold Many times a hold on your account simply means that DUA is taking the extra step to verify that there is no fraudulent activity. I email and call multiple times a day. BALTIMORE Maryland lawmakers want to fix the unemployment system and send claimants, who have been waiting months, immediate relief. Unemployment insurance claims are sometimes put on hold as a result of the state worker's concerns about the claimant's eligibility for compensation. This reduction in the number of staff available to process claims is another reason why claims are put on hold or their processing is delayed. The last time I received any payment from Unemployment was the week ending 7/18/2021 after that nothing. According to EDD, initial claims that are currently pending have been backlogged for one of these reasons: They're pending identity . By the way, My RN degree is an Associates, hospitals only hire you if you have a BSN, now (Magnet Status). Im having the same problem but I got verified Tuesday how long did it take you to get your benefits back that stop mine 2 weeks so far. Also, dont ask for help from people who answer the phones. I have worked so hard for the things I have right now I dont know what to do anymore !!!! Are any of you that have posted your delayed unemployment complaintsRepublicans? Families need help and nothing is being done at all. Im literally about to loose my mind, Saving are gone and summer its here with 3 children its hard to keep food on the table and a roof on our head. I hope and pray that each and everyone of you get your money and get back on your feet. I uploaded employment verification per their request and was told by an adjudicator it was uploaded into a 1040 tab instead of where it should have went?? So I get it, the stress, the uncertainty. See our, Why Is It Taking So Long To Get My Tax Refund. If you are eligible for benefits, payment will be deposited to an unemployment debit card. 36 years and being a Wound Specialist is my forte. Im working my tail off looking for a new job and receiving nothing to assist me until I do. Have only been able to speak to about three people since august of 2021. They wont let me touch it until its reviewed! You need to ask for a specialist when you phone, or schedule a callback from a specialist. Im in Florida and was determined eligible for PUA because I was self employed. Called today and I have to Waite for a specialist to call me about my claim and all those weeks I had been claiming up until 6/12/21 magically disappeared (how convenient) and the system wont let me ceritify . I have so many late payments and fees that Im seriously scared for my financial well-being (Im only 21, this could effect my future). It is also worth searching online (see our UI resource page) or in the many Facebook groups or forums to see if others have run into the same issue and if they had a legitimate fix. Plus these laws were meant to help rescue and secure our economy boosted they give us statistics say the economy is back to normal!!!! Im going through this in Virginia also waiting on a appeal hearing going on 22 months now for my PUA retroactive benefits payment that Im eligible for ,instead Im going through hell financially and mentally this is not what they promised. Really disgusting how they treat the American workers . I was told this many times by well over 30 phone reps. You just have to wait till someone gets to your file, the system is back up. We don't start making payments right away. Same with me. Its insane and disrespectful, we are all struggling some more than others but we are all trying to survive and not starve. Knowing that Im not alone going through somehow its telling me that taking my is not worth. Due to the volume of claims currently going through the unemployment system, in limited circumstances, some payments for successfully certified claims may not arrive until Thursday. I even had one of the charity organizations that have a volunteer to help with unemployment try to help but she said everything is good I qualify but was all she could do Id just have to wait.
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