Ten years ago today, the most prolific tornado outbreak on record swept across the southeastern United States. Almost every dwelling was rendered unsafe. From there, it crossed over to Columbia Avenue, where it completely wrecked everything along both sides of the pike, from Winstead Hill to the area just adjacent to Battle Ground Academy. 1 could not continue on account of the wreckage of the roadways. April 29, 1909 Tornado Outbreak. The most frightful wreckage and loss of life occurred in the little valley through which passes the road from Bunker Hill to Bryson, and in which were located the homes of Bud Guffey, Will McGrew, Lee Smith, J. S. Bryson and others. Fortunately no one was killed, but several were wounded. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed. Result of the Work of the Storm in Dickson County": DICKSON, Tenn., April 30. It was the deadliest known tornado outbreak to affect Tennessee until March 21, 1952, when 64 people died statewide. In Charlotte ten houses were completely wrecked, and thirty in addition were damaged more or less. 1998 - 2023 Nexstar Media Inc. | All Rights Reserved. The damage in town is slight compared with the country. 30. The most terrible cyclone in the history of Giles County struck with great fury between 11 and 12 o'clock Thursday night. This page was last edited on 12 March 2022, at 09:35. Here is information to know, understand and remember; The annual average number of tornadoes reported in Tennessee grew from 11.3 for the 20-year period of 1980-1999 to 18.1 for 2000-2019. Although not specifically stated in the article, Mr. Henry Reed of Cross Roads died from his injuries per death certificate records. Hardest-hit areas were in and around Pulaski, Bryson and Fayetteville. Tornado destroyed six homes at Moreland. A colored child on W. R. Anderson's farm was killed, making the fourth death so far reported. Mrs. Hughes' house was torn into kindling wood, but she was not at home at the time. How 148 Tornadoes in One Day in 1974 Changed Emergency Preparedness December tornado record crushed by historic onslaught of storms - The Coming into Robertson County the storm struck the barn of Mrs. Laban Warfield on the place occupied by Mr. Duff. The cyclone wrecked the house and killed Mrs. McGrew and six children, while Mr. McGrew, a son and a baby escaped with serious injuries. Many Lives and Much Property Lost in Giles County. Two persons were killed outright, James Stafford, an aged white man, who was taken 200 yards from his residence and his neck snapped, and a small colored child. (Bud) Hardy, Mrs. Louie Gordon, who was living with her mother, Mrs. Eliza Wilkinson, was cut and bruised about the face and arm. Did the tornado hit Gatlinburg Tennessee? Here is an opportunity in my judgement, for an exhibition of true Christian benevolence. At Leiper's Fork, in Williamson County, a mother and three children were killed in their home. The majority of the 34 deaths caused by this F4 tornado were in the residential areas of the east and south areas of the town. Another one of Mr. Cox's sons sustained a broken leg and his wife is badly hurt. A path about 100 yards wide was swept clear of timber. April 29, 1909 Tornado Outbreak - National Weather Service Many Nolensville residents said it was the worst storm to ever strike there -- even worse than the notorious cyclone of 1900, which had cut a path only a few hundred yards wide. of those most seriously hurt: Esq. Dickson, Tenn., Apr. Mrs. Welch and son, Byron, sustained slight injuries, the former being hit on the head and the latter had a gash cut in his cheek. Many of the inhabitants here moved to Bryson, a few miles away, and that community grew a little bit larger. The cyclone went from Primm's on to Centreville. The second F3 tornado flattened structures near Covington and Medina. FROM THE NASHVILLE AMERICAN, MAY 1 1909, PAGE 2, section "NUMBER OF HOUSES WRECKED - Cookeville and Surrounding Territory in the Path of the Storm": COOKEVILLE, Tenn., April 30 - A storm of cyclonic effects struck this city last night about 1 o'clock. While it was estimated to be an F4, some reports indicate that there was more than one tornado. But the daily mail from Charlotte brings a letter from Circuit Court Clerk J. J. Taylor to the effect that about twenty-five residences were destroyed there. Fayetteville, Tenn., April 30. There were also numerous reports of livestock killed by flying debris. The second highest number of fatalities occurred from an F-3 tornado with winds of 158 mph or higher that ravaged Hickman and Williamson counties. 6 Feb. 2021. FROM THE NASHVILLE AMERICAN, MAY 2 1909, PAGE 4, section FOUR DEATHS IN MONTGOMERY: CLARKSVILLE, Tenn., May 1. Ed Ragland's house was blown from its foundation. SHAMBURGER (2016): Although Grazulis reported 10 deaths and 40 injuries from this major tornado, newspaper articles from the Nashville American and Williamson Herald indicated several more people were injured, killed, or eventually died from their injuries in the days after the tornado. The most terrible cyclone in the history of Giles County struck with great fury between 11 and 12 o'clock Thursday night. Two barns and one stable were wrecked, ,and his stock suffered considerably. One of the saddest stories was of two brothers who in the Hillsboro/Leipers Fork area who were blown over a 20-foot bluff and into a nearby creek, according to the Nashville American newspaper. SHAMBURGER (2016): Although Grazulis states that a downburst caused the immense damage in Statesville, the severity of the damage across southeast Wilson County into DeKalb County - with three churches demolished, numerous homes and barns unroofed, and several injuries - strongly suggests this damage was from a strong tornado. Get the Android Weather app from Google Play, 5 reported dead after severe weather in Kentucky,, Rollover crash on I-65N in Davidson County leads, Man hit, killed on Old Hickory Blvd. The Weather Service has confirmed 66 tornadoes from Dec. 10 to 11 and 79 tornadoes Dec. 15. Dickson was left to the right of the storm's pathway, and fortunately little damage was done here. At the same time and place, Mrs. Thad Reese, who was a sister of Mrs. Guffey, with her two children, lost their lives, making seven deaths at this one house. It is miraculous that there was no more personal injuries, as this was the worst storm ever seen in this part of the State. This is a list of significant tornadoes that have touched down in Maury County since 1900. Jim Cheat, a prosperous farmer near town, lost his barn, and had one very fine mule killed by the storm. Affecting particularly the Mississippi and Tennessee Valleys, it killed over 150 people, 60 of them in the U.S. state of Tennessee alone. With the exception of several street lights being burned out, the damage at McEwen was slight. The farms lying on the hillsides are washed in deep gullies and the low land is completely flooded. J. M. Colston and wife, near Fayetteville. The path of the cyclone at this point is about 300 yards wide, and was accompanied by a heavy rain and thunder and electrical display. The writer went across the country to Sulphur Fork, following it up, and through Charlotte, on the west side of town. His daughter, who had her leg broken, crawled to hear father's aid by the light of a flash of lightning and found him dying. The tornado touched down just outside of Aspen Hills, just a few miles west of here. Bud Guffey, his wife, and two chidlren. The Tri-State Tornado occurred on March 18, 1925. Columbia, Tenn., April 20. - Dickson County was swept by a terrific storm last night, and as a result more than fifty houses lay wrecked today, and the damage to property will run far up into the thousands of dollars. Following is a partia (?) The tornado outbreak of late-April 1909 was a deadly tornado outbreak that affected much of the central and Southern United States between April 29 and May 1, 1909. This historical footage of Oklahoma's worst-ever tornado outbreak was assembled using News 9's on-air broadcast along with storm tracker footage and some images/interviews with viewers. The cyclone struck Primm Springs, a summer resort in Hickman County, and devastated the country. Large trees were torn and twisted from the roots, and in some places scarcely a tree was left uninjured in a whole forest. The tornado tore apart eight or nine farms and damaged or destroyed 25 buildings in Charlotte. The barn of Dr. Neely, representative from this county, was blown away. The F-scale rating, location and path width are estimated from the reported damage. At Bee Springs, five members of a family were killed in one home, and seven in another family died in a nearby home. Tornado destroyed up to nine homes and hit buildings in. For several minutes it was as bright as the glare of a noonday sun with this setting, the wind terrific in force and volume halted at no obstacle, and in its path it left an imprint on everything it touched. The home of Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Marlin was completely demolished. North of Memphis, Tennessee, two F3 tornadoes killed a total of 22 from Crittenden County, Arkansas, to Carroll County, Tennessee. Miss Jennie Kelso, Fayetteville; killed by live electric light wire. At Walter Hill the residence of Mrs. Upchurch was totally destroyed and she herself was fatally injured. Please try another search. Thousands of trees were downed and cattle were killed. The strongest, an F-4 with winds 207 mph or higher traveled for 30 miles across Giles and Lincoln counties killing 31 people in all. John Lee's barn was blown over. The desperately injured are: R. H. Thompson, a son and daughter of Mrs. Money, Hiram Prince and Prof. R. S. Ballen. The stock barn of Rural home Stock farm was torn to pieces, and there were many other houses, barns, and outhouses destroyed. Tri-State Tornado of 1925 was deadliest in U.S. history - The Only one member of this large family escaped unhurt. The horror of the storm was greatly increased especially were people were (sic) severely hurt by the darkness and torrents of rain, which followed. The property loss will mount into the thousands. NUMBER EIGHT - THE ZEPHYR TORNADO - MAY 30, 1909 Tornado number 8 formed somewhere close to the town of Zephyr, in Brown County, near midnight and destroyed large parts of the town during the early morning hours, leaving little to view except vacant lots. As the storm moved eastward, it cut a path into the Southall community, causing major damage and dealing additional death blows. Its course was about a half mile wide and lay from Cross Roads into Scott Co., between the farms of William Cummings and Laban Riseden, just escaping both the homesteads, but tearing up all the timber in the neighborhood and bearing on southward below Rugby, carrying away the home of Young John Brewster and crushing in his shoulder and injuring his wife. Centreville, Tenn., April 30. A family of tornadoes also affected later Hickman and Williamson Counties southwest of Nashville and later moved into Cookeville and Putnam Counties. Among those whose homes are wrecked are Postmaster C. H. Underhill, Asa Hickerson, Mrs. Lizzie McPherson and Jim Butler. If your child will play baseball or softball this spring, youll need to stock up on appropriate clothing and equipment. List of Upper Cumberland tornadoes | UCpedia Wiki | Fandom Four houses are blown down in Franklin. The timbers in front of the hotel were laid waste, some of which fell on the hotel, doing considerable damage to the building. One of the strange things of it all is that both the Christian and Methodist churches at Trinity were blown down about ten years ago, and both rebuilt on the same foundation to be blown away again last night. Brave men bared their backs to the chilly rain to provide wraps for suffering women and children; and worked through the dreary hours till daylight, searching for the dead and endeavoring to relieve the suffering of survivors. Their household effects are destroyed. December tornadoes among 20 billion-dollar disasters to strike U.S. in
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