Dogs and Puppies Dogs keep us company, help us stay fit and become our best friends for life. Tiberious is a sweet little man who is still settling into his foster home. We are most grateful and appreciative of your efforts. Whippet Club Of NSW Member. All content copyright Dogz Online Pty Ltd 2023, Puppies currently available (or due soon). Rescue group Sydney Animal Second-Chance Inc. PetRescue ID 951290. Im somewhat of a whippet nut, and have been for most of my life. We pay our respect to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures; and to Elders past, present and emerging. Milton is a stunning iggy x whippet wighing in at 9 kgs. Boi is a determined young whippet who is smart and will take to training quickly. From a rescue organization or a responsible breeder? There are also breeders who breed for versatility, and have a mixture of show and running-titled dogs in their pedigrees and enter their dogs in varied events. It sometimes take time, patience, and dedication before you build a bond and a trust with your newly adopted Whippet. Jessie is by far the smallest Italian greyhound we have had. Romulus is estimated to be around 3 yrs of age. If you require assistance to rehome your Whippet, are looking for a rescue Whippet or know of a Whippet in need in a pound or shelter please contact the club. He recently came into our care after the Lost Dogs Home, Melbourne approached us and asked if we would like to take him. - an owner who is willing to keep him on a low fat diet, - human or canine companion (or both). All the litter mates found homes but Donatello ended up in rescue. If none are shown that doesnt mean we dont have any Whippets in foster care right now, just that they arent ready, so please fill out an Adoption Application. Boi is now reasonably confident outside the house, however his new owner will need to continue to take small steps with him in quieter areas so as not to overwhelm him and undo the progress he has made to date. Maggie has already proven to be very loyal and affectionate and would make a wonderful addition to anyone looking for a mature companion. However, if you are willing to put in the effort it takes to form a strong relationship with your adopted Whippet, you will be rewarded with a great bond and unconditional love. He has hair on his head, dark eyebrows shaped in a V, fluffy feet and a fluffy tail tip. Full whippet with papers and has a beautiful brindle brother, I'd love for them to go together if possible. It's a matter of when the girls come into season, and if it suits the owner to have a litter at that time. We believe in making the best fit so that the dog and owners will live in harmony for the rest of the dog's natural life span. They both deserve the verybest new homes. Puppies are also a good choice for any home which has a pre-existing adult cat or cats, as the puppy should learn to respect the household felines and this will be less likely to become a problem later when the Whippets prey drive kicks in and it is large enough to seriously injure a cat. Most interviews will be held in the Gordon area of Sydney. She is desexed, vaccinated, microchipped, heart worm tested and has had a dental. Ringo is a 2year old blue and white purebred iggy who has only jsut come into care. He is jet black and a real heartbreaker. Rescue / Rehome ; Events & Shows . An adopted Whippet may see their owner as a hero, especially if he has been horribly treated for a better part of his life, or sat in the shelter for many weeks, months, or even years!if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,600],'whippetcentral_com-leader-4','ezslot_19',109,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-whippetcentral_com-leader-4-0'); He may become very attached to his owner and want to display the love he was never able to demonstrate during a better part of his life. Adult Whippets, crate-trained and housebroken, with socialization and leash training, are very popular choices for people who are obliged by their jobs to leave their dogs alone at home during the day. People will receive much joy from seeing a Whippet that has been stuck in a shelter finally get to feel freedom and real security. Remus was found in a Canberra pound. One line emails, text messagesand requests for pictures will not be responded to. He has an excellent temperament and gets along with other animals. However, very few healthy young adult or puppy Whippets are available through rescue nationally at any point in time. This might be something he needs to continue with when rehomed. Whippet and Labrador Retriever mixed Rescue Dog for Adoption in Rescue group bootifulpets animal rescue PetRescue ID 592531 Location Mount Austin, NSW Advertisement Close The Whippet Club NSW Inc She. Molly was recently rescued from the RSPCA Tasmania, by a lovely family who were hoping to get a four legged companion for their Cavalier King Charles. ALL DOGS, CATS AND RABBITS ADOPTED FROM SYDNEY DOGS AND CATS HOME COME VET CHECKED, VACCINATED, FLEA AND WORM TREATED, DESEXED AND MICROCHIPPED. February 15th. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'whippetcentral_com-banner-1','ezslot_3',104,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-whippetcentral_com-banner-1-0');if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'whippetcentral_com-banner-1','ezslot_4',104,'0','1'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-whippetcentral_com-banner-1-0_1');.banner-1-multi-104{border:none!important;display:block!important;float:none!important;line-height:0;margin-bottom:7px!important;margin-left:auto!important;margin-right:auto!important;margin-top:7px!important;max-width:100%!important;min-height:250px;padding:0;text-align:center!important}. You can help Boi be seen by sharing their profile, PetRescue Ltd 2004 - 2023 Bear in mind that many of the adult Whippets available for adoption are not cat safe". He would best suit a quiet & calm household with adults and older children. As she was not claimed by her owners, she came to iggy rescue. Once this is achieved, we then advertise the dogs here on the Club website and also through Dogzonline. Whippet Rescue and Placement is a not-for-profit 501(C)3 organization. All our dogs live inside as part of our busy family so are well socialised with both people and other dogs. Please contact Italian Greyhounds in Need (Australia) directly to make a donation, Active in: She is the quirkiest and loveliest little dog, just really special. Taken in by a family member, she just had a major dental and has 10 teeth left. Peppi is a bright happy little boy who loves chasing tennis balls. The Removed status should only be selected when a pet has been euthanased or died of natural causes whilst in care, or when a pet has been transferred to another rescue organisation. We are most grateful and appreciative of your efforts. Showing 1 - 25 of 54 results 1 2 3 . This silly 10 yr old spayed female certainly does not act her age, she loves people, other dogs, and toys. E.g. Emma must go to a home with prior breed experience. This is all up to you and what you are wishing to do. We breed for health and temperament and to meet the breed standard. ACT, NSW, NT, QLD, SA, TAS, VIC. Kiri was a showdog in years gone by, but now she just wants to decorate someone's couch in her retirement. Donatello and his litter mates were surrendered to a country pound. enter a pet's id into the search. Penne is thought to be around 2-3years old. Please submit an application. mix. We are not expecting any babies in the near future. The purpose of WRAP is to rescue stray, abandoned,. Sadly, from time to time, we receive notice of a whippet or multiple whippets in pounds or shelters around NSW. Our dogs are breed and raised in the family home. Understanding the need for whippet-specific content, I decided to create this blog to share what I have learned and to share my expertise regarding owning and raising whippets the right way! By adopting a Whippet from a shelter or rescue facility, you are thereby deemed responsible for this Whippet and must take good care of him.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'whippetcentral_com-leader-1','ezslot_13',123,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-whippetcentral_com-leader-1-0'); Even though this is not commonly the case, some shelters may still continue to have a measure of control over your Whippets welfare after your adoption. Our pups are raised with human contact from the word "go" and therefore become very sociable adults. Harris County, La Porte, TX. Our puppies are raised in our home around children and other dogs, with love and care to have highly socialised puppies that would adjust to any home environment.Feel free to browse my website or contact me by phone / email for all enquiries relating to the breed and/or upcoming litters.Quality puppies occasionally available to approved loving homes. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. The Whippet Association of Victoria Inc. Name of foster volunteer: Brenda Malick Address: Hemet, CA. She had a small cyst on one eyelid and lost part of her eyelid (she looks normal) which now doesnt close completely when she blinks. Sweet Candy is available to a special home. By adopting, you could change a Whippets life for the better and show him that there is real love and happiness that exists in this world. Miniature Whippet: Everything You Need To Know. With the long lifespan of the Whippet, a potential owner should not reject a dog that is a few years old. It is also very rewarding knowing you've had a hand in helping a Whippet(s) find a family to love them. Puppies & occasional young stock, stunning to look at, often available. Male or female? He has a very shy personality andis now LOVING being being part of the family. Our dogs have won BIS at both Sydney and Adelaide Royal and dogs we have bred are consistent Specialty and all Breed BIS winners.Our dogs are renown for their calm temperaments and a joy to live with. In that time, Ive owned and raised numerous whippets. It is unusual for an ethical breeder NOT to have dogs active in some facet of Whippet competitionhow else to know if one is producing the same quality, talent, and/or speed as those other breeders who are focused on the same areas? NSW & ACT Whippet Rescue | Cooma NSW - Facebook She has a quiet calm demeanor and is happy for a quick trot around the block on lead. He was a sad sorry little dog. By adopting, you can change a dogs life around who would have otherwise been subjected to sitting in a pen for even longer. Whippet Adoption: Everything You Need To Know - WhippetCentral We pay our respect to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures; and to Elders past, present and emerging. We will keep your application on file for six months. 1 to 12 of 27 filtered dog listings. Online Pty Ltd takes no responsibility for the accuracy of the information After coming into care and being bathed. The rangers spent 3 weeks trying to catch her. We wouldlove a home in the Sydney area, however we arehappy to consider interstate homes. Bear in mind that a bitch that is heavily pregnant or nursing a litter of puppies will not be her usual frisky, gregarious self, but the breeders other dogs should show evidence of good care and socialization. WRAP rescue includes pickup from owners or animal welfare facilities, assessment of the Whippets suitability as a pet, providing health care and training as needed and appropriate, qualification of prospective homes, placement, follow-up, and, if a placement fails, recovery into WRAP. If you are looking for a quiet gentle girl who walks by your side and sits on the couch while you watch TV, Genie is the girl for you. Queensland Whippet Rescue. We occasionally rescue Whippets, crosses of IGs and/or Whippets and any other dogs that have a beautiful nature and are in need of help. All of our whippets over 12 months of age are heart health tested by a certified cardiologist & males are ACES eye tested. None at present but alternatively, please check for a list of registered reputablebreeders and current puppies and mature dogs available. The Whippet Club of NSW. Lenny came into our care after being surrendered. Is a Whippet a miniature Greyhound? Our volunteers are compassionate, caring, generous individuals who donate their time to further the safety of our beloved breed. In addition to shelters, Whippets are found in many rescue organisations ready to be adopted, as these help to spread word about dogs under their care to raise awareness about dogs in need of a home. We also have 1 cat (no children) that gets on well with dogs. Sophie is a Whippet and Labrador Retriever mixed rescue dog for adoption in Carlsbad, California. About Italian Greyhounds in Need (Australia) Italian Greyhounds in Need (Australia) is a small group of Italian Greyhound enthusiasts.