But by not approving it, Oakland may be violatingstate housing lawsthat prohibit cities from denying projects unless they pose health and safety issues that cant be mitigated, he said. Allow 48 business hours for a response. Speaking to the Chronicle, Steve Lowe, vice president of the West Oakland Commerce Association, says, "I think everybody wants to see vitality on Seventh Street. Eminent Domain in West Oakland | ChangeLab Solutions Kennedy estimates that the project could be complete by late 2021. Feds probe West Oakland development for racial bias on pollution . The project is a point of controversysome residents see its 206 market rate and 16 low-income units as pertinent to addressing the Bay Areas housing crisis. Then, in 2011, the Michaels Organization broke ground on a119-unit senior housingcomplex called the Red Star Senior Apartments, in partnership with the nonprofit LINC Housing of Long Beach. +. As part of the development process, Cooper said the Alameda County Department of Environmental Health must review the site before construction. Building market-rate housing is among the strategies cities can use to address a supply shortage, said Corey Smith, deputy director at the Housing Action Coalition, which advocates for all levels of housing. How to realize the economic potential of Oakland and equitably create jobs for Pittsburghers; The Michaels Organization, based in New Jersey, was given a green light by the City Council to build the 222-unit complex at 1396 Fifth Street on a vacant lot next to the BART station, the San Francisco Business Times reported. Planning for a pedestrian/bicycle connection between East Oakland and the MLK Jr Regional Shoreline/Bay Trail, New paving, speed humps, curb ramps, and high-visibility crosswalks coming in 2020-2021, Reconnecting West Oakland and Downtown for people walking, biking, and taking the bus. As the East Bay Times reports, the Oakland City Council still needs to give its okay, but the project comes with significant backing from those in the community who are eager to see this long neglected stretch of Seventh Street get revived. Supersized West Oakland Project Redesigned, Slated for Approval I dont believe that their appeal aligns with the feelings of myself or our neighbors in South Prescott, who in my experience are uniformly positive about the project, said, Sean Taylor, who lives two blocks from the site. Just wondering if renting will the vouchers, This all looks great,but they need to clean up all the homeless a cross from the bart station. A decade-old development across Seventh from the BART station made some impact, but it did not bring any retail activity or foot traffic to the street level, and this project will include 35,000 square feet of retail and commercial space, including a restaurant and bar across from the Crucible called 7th West. Some residents were concerned about the potential health impacts of exposure to hazardous materials on the site, especially coupled with the already elevated levels of diesel particulate matter in West Oakland. Our goals are to improve local coverage, innovate with digital media, and listen to youabout the issues that concern you and the reporting youd like to see in your community. The second development, Project O2, at 3339 to 3347 North Federal Highway in Oakland Park, calls for 165 multifamily units and nearly 32,000 square feet of retail space. A 100 percent affordable housing project will break ground in West Oakland in November with the help of a former Black Panther Party leader. The public lot provides daily and monthly fee parking. Community and environmental advocates still have concerns about Golden West, a proposed 222-unit complex that would be built on a vacant lot next to the BART station. In addition to keeping the A's from moving, it could help the city realize benefits ranging from well-paying jobs and affordable housing to infrastructure and environmental improvements. Today, physicians describe West Oakland as " a diesel death zone .". Members of East Bay Residents for Responsible Development say the project violates the California Environmental Quality Act because the site was approved for use as a vacant lot rather than a residential one. Residents of the Prescott neighborhood, the epicenter of new development in West Oakland, listed economic development and the reformation of blighted industrial lots as one of their top. The complex would provide apartments to lower-income seniors, along with retail space. Several non-emergency systems including phone lines within the City of Oakland are currently impacted or offline. But once the freeways went in, and the elevated BART track was built right along Seventh, nothing would ever be the same. The potential buyer is an affiliate with ties to Bay Development Group and The Martin Group. In an interview, Oakland resident Emily Wheeler spoke against the project, saying it will displace residents. Strategic Urban Development Alliance and Panoramic Interests have separate plans to add hundreds of housing units to West Oakland, an area that has lagged other sections of the city but is. The proposed project consists of demolition of an existing single-story commercial building and surface parking, the proposal by the Martin Group states. West Oakland Development isnt involved in developing the project. All rights reserved 2023 The Real Deal is a registered Trademark of Korangy Publishing Inc. Greystone sells Lantana apartments to real estate mogul for $10M, Sticker shock: Ranking South Floridas priciest residential rentals, Developer files another big housing plan for fast-changing West Oakland, Trial starts for developer linked to FBI corruption probe of LA City Hall, the San Francisco Business Times reported, linked to a Los Angeles corruption scandal, Alex Najem forges ahead with demolition for big Fulton Market project, Owner of Black cultural center appeals approval of Oakland highrise, Fannie Mae wont finance sales at OC senior community. An 11+ mile project including pavement rehabilitation and preventative maintenance on citywide major streets. West Oakland Still Poised For TOD Transformation - Bisnow George Avalos is a business reporter for the Bay Area News Group who covers the economy, jobs, consumer prices, commercial real estate, airlines and airports and PG&E for The Mercury News and East Bay Times. Additionally, West Oakland residents are exposed to disproportionate levels of air pollution that lead to adverse health outcomes. Southern California home sales fall to all-time low "To save money, the [BART] line was built overhead unlike the underground lines in Berkeley and downtown Oakland right down the middle of Seventh. Oakland Mixed-Use. I absolutely do not trust a developer to be upfront about environmental concerns or have our environmental justice in mind, Wheeler said. You may also refer to the City's List of Major Development Projects and our Interactive Map of Major Development Projects. ga('send', 'event', 'SF YIMBY', 'Impression', 'https://sfyimby.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/sf-yimby-dot-com-graphic.jpg', { nonInteraction: true }); YIMBY News delivers the days top new development stories to your inbox every weekday morning. Oakland North welcomes comments from our readers, but we ask users to keep all discussion civil and on-topic. A huge new residential development encompassing an entire city block in West Oakland was unanimously approved by Oakland's Planning Commission on Thursday, with plenty of community support. It brings up the debate over whether the city should focus on affordable housing or building more housing overall. West Oakland megaproject on BART land moves forward Enlarge Mandela Station will feature 762 residential units, 75,000 square feet of neighborhood-serving retail and 300,000 square feet of. The West Oakland Specific Plan, which was initiated in 2010, was funded by a $2MM federal grant. The proposed project is planned to be implemented in phases, based on the availability of State and other funds. The coalition and the council expressed concern about benzene, lead, diesel and toxic substances that could harm workers and nearby residents. In 2014, former Black Panther Party leader Elaine Brown bought the land at Seventh and Campbell streets where the new housing will take shape. This section of the 2013 West Oakland Specific Plan presents strategies for empowering existing residents and businesses to participate in and benefit from the new development and economic activity planned for West Oakland, by building on and connecting existing governmental and community-based equitable economic development programs. The T4 building will become an office and life sciences building, spanning over 300,000 square feet across ten floors. Ronnie Turner, Turner Development Resource Group, rtdevelops@comcast.net, (510) 395-2766, 1451 7th St Housing | One development in particular "Golden West," a proposed eight-story apartment complex, would add 222 market-rate units and 16 low-income units on what is currently an empty 1-acre lot across from the BART station at 1396 Fifth St. Ive lived in oakland all my life Will carpenters in the area have a chance to be employed on the project. Sonnenfeld said YIMBYs lawyers suspect the dispute is more about labor than the environment and that the East Bay Residents For Responsible Development halted plans because it was angry with the developer for not agreeing to bid to only union subcontractors. So what are they really getting out of this other than potentially killing the project?. The councils dithering to approve the project led the state Department of Housing and Community Development Department to open an investigation into the councils actions last fall. We will still steal your catalytic converters. I agree with Tiffany Anderson, the bike path and community garden in Richmond is awesome and is beneficial to the existing community. Ominous signs hint at wobbly Bay Area hotel market PDF 1. Introduction - City of Oakland Massive New West Oakland Development With 32-Story Tower Moves Forward A huge new residential development encompassing an entire city block in West Oakland was unanimously approved by. Aerial renderings have been provided for the West Oakland Mandela BART Station development, spanning 5.58 acres around 1451 7th Street.