If you want to learn more about the third house in the natal chart, heres an in-depth article about this topic in astrology. Keeping up with you and your fast-paced lifestyle can be challenging because your mind is continuously racing. Due to this, the negative effect of the planet Venus starts increasing. But still, he/she may cheat their spouse and have extra physical relations outside marriage. The positive side is that natives extremely caring and appreciative of their partners, and the negative side is that they have trust issues and insecurities which might create a problem in their relationship and end the beautiful relation, So the natives are recommended to work on their insecurities to have a better and long-lasting love life. Venus here describes someone who is sharp-witted, charming and intelligent. 2nd presence of Ketu-Moon in 10th house, and 10th lord in 3rd, Moon is 4th lord of parliament, moon is royal.
Venus in Third House: Effects & Influences - Indastro.com The overall condition of Venus in the natal chart is a must to take into account. I totally agree with Camilles commentary above. As an effect of the influence of a natural benefic over the 3rd house, the native is blessed with a small number of younger siblings. neighbors, acquaintances, people you know from your childhood. These videos are based on the ancient science of Vedic Astrology known as Jyotish in India. I take also do Celebrities horoscope with parody, combining my two passion of acting and astrology together which has become a hit on Youtube. The third house is a mental house. From a very young age, they are positive and creative towards life and learn to maintain a great bond with close people and enjoy their life comfortably. Those having this set of combinations inherit the traits arising from these mentioned sub-combinations. 22. They have a peaceful sleep unless Venus is surrounded by malefic. This effect is provided by an undignified Venus in the given house, which signifies communication in general. As the 3rd house represents the local community and network, the native is likely to be surrounded by soft-spoken people like the native itself. Venus In 3rd House Love, Career, Marriage, Finance In Vedic Astrology: In Horoscope/ Kundli/ Birth Chart: Native with Venus in 3rd house in their Natal D1 chart or Lagna chart or ascendant chart bestows and yields polite demeanor in aura and persona of the native, and native delivers or assert pleasing polite persuasive speech.Such a native is likely to possess articulation talent and creative . It is one of the good placement and the native is intelligent to deal with marriage issues. Because Gemini is the sign of duality and rules the third house, there could be two people who pique your interest. But joint assets may suffer. When Venus posited in 3rd house of a horoscope in masculine signs like Aries, Leo, Gemini, Libra, Sagittarius and Aquarius, the native will have a beautiful life partner and gains from a spouse will be definite. You share a cordial relationship and bond with neighbors, siblings, opposite sex and relatives too. Scandals, affairs and problems from other women can be expected if Venus is afflicted in 8th House of the native. The natives with Venus in the third house have a very creative mind. Venus in 3rd house gives struggle in their career and finance in young age and only give stability from the age of 39. After 36, communication with spouse or younger sibling is soft and pleasant. However, native is willing to solve problems with rational argumentation. No matter whats your actual Venus sign, there will be a touch of Gemini to it.
Laxmi Yoga, Dhan Yoga Astrology by Ritu Shukla - Times of India Planets in the third house absorb Gemini energy. In such a situation, by using and donating white-colored things, the auspiciousness of Venus increases, and adverse effects are removed. Answer (1 of 2): Hello According to me, A best place for Venus which gives us its maximum benefits is either its own house where its most powerful - Taurus and Libra or its place of exaltation - Pisces. They love music and singing. As per. Too much of Venus can be detrimental, however.
One will always collect gems and jewelry and that asset will come through father or elder sibling. A positive Venus in your 3rd house will attract everyone towards you because of your speech and pleasant voice; will surround you with beauty and make you go on frequent professional travels. They have many positive points in them but as per. Youll find it easy to flirt and communicate with your partner daily if your Venus is in the 3rd House. Classical Sources Used: BPHS, Saravali, Brihat Jataka, Lal Kitab, Yavan Jataka. If Venus is strong than you will receive back from others. Venus is a planet of comforts, conveyances, and luxuries that loves and adores a lavish lifestyle. While Venus does not feel comfortable in this house, the native is capable of attaining a comfortable life if the planet is strong and well placed in this house and supported by a strong 3rd house ruler which directs the efforts of 3rd house Venus efficiently on fruitful pursuits. Thank you! This is a powerful remedy. These different directions lead them to success and growth in their career field. Their spouse can be professional or may provide service in society. Venus in the third house people love to flirt. Venus In The 3rd House Navamsa Chart- Marriage, Love, Appearance & Career. It provides the ability to understand and learn higher wisdom. You are destined to be with someone to pay certain karma. With a dignified Venus, thee natives are successful in overcoming obstacles using softer rather than forceful tactics.
8- 14th Dalai Lama, Born Saturday, July 6, 1935, Taktser, Tibet (China) First of all, what does Venus mean in the language of the stars? Navamsa Chart is one of the divisional charts and the 16 divisional charts as well. Venus In 3rd House, Venus In The Third House With this placement, you are a wise and refined person, who knows when to speak and what to say.
NAVAMSA and its hidden concepts | Nikhil's World Little things like holding your umbrella on a rainy day, making you breakfast, and kissing you goodbye when he leaves for work are examples of how he shows his love. The natives will enjoy a great love life filled with affection and emotions, the natives will share a great bond with their partners. Though wealth and money comes but the person remains ignorant about their family.
Venus in Aquarius - Astrology Such a native is likely to possess articulation talent and creative prowess in their expression, both in speech and also in writing. Communication is one of the most important parts of a relationship. On the other hand, there can be arguments in marriage. Venus is atmakaraka of navamsa. If you want to learn more about this planet, read more about what Venus means in astrology here. If Venus is under the malefic influence of Mars, there will be extra marital relation and affair in the natives life and such individual will spend his hard-earned money on his physical felicity and his/her sexual desires, Saturn aspect or malefic influence on Venus can make native tilt and sway back to right path or on right track after some losses of money and respect or humiliation due to such sexual activities. You enjoy a good debate or vigorous discussion, and mind games are second nature to you. Venus has a positive influence on the formation of harmonious relationships in this aspect. To seek blessings from Venus, you should fast on Fridays. These natives are rather passive and tend to lack valor.
Venus In 12 Houses Astrology | AstroVed.com They can also lack intelligence to deal with situation in marriage. You could be an excellent writer or speaker or be fascinated by languages and learn several. When Venus returns to its original course, releasing all of the power on these women, everything will magically become easier to do, as if the Universe has restored its pedestal. Rahu in second/2nd house of Navamsa: Rahu in third/3rd house of Navamsa. Namely, Mars is linked to the 3rd house because it signifies valor, courage, passion, enthusiasm, risks, and power to take action. A person will get home in north facing direction. I do not make regular weekly horoscope because unless your horoscope is present in front of me, giving you a general weekly horoscope is as good as suicide of astrology. According to astrologers, when we see two planets share a single house, their energies are seen as adding to the other's which makes any associated energy more . With Venus here, you are attracted to smart people. Let it be placed in Leo in the navamsa chart. The positive side is that natives extremely caring and appreciative of their partners, and the negative side is that they have trust issues and insecurities which might create a problem in their relationship and end the beautiful relation, So the natives are recommended to work on their insecurities to have a better and long-lasting love life. Moreover, if the 3rd house ruler is strong by being placed in its own or exaltation sign, the effects of this combination improve. The native is can be a mimicry artist, translator, mountain climber, and a very enthusiastic, optimistic positive and hardworking person. Its definitely a five star consultation for me. Venus and Jupiter conjunction it makes person intelligent, spiritual, learned, wealthy and well-liked. In a nutshell, its the house of communication, thinking, and learning. The written content of the website is copyright protected and digitally signed. If you already know this and you are short on patience, feel free to skip to the interpretation! They love to get the best comfort at home. Venus can give neutral result but it will be better with time. Venus as the ruler of the 7th zodiac sign of balance, Libra, indicates that these natives are fond of fighting for justice, truth, and equity and this influences their dignity and sense of righteousness positively. In this video we will try to understand the results of Venus in the third house of Navamsa chart (D9 c. This position of Venus is a clear indication of unchangeable karma to pay your spouse. Because they dislike conflict, they get along well with their family and friends. There is a strong possibility for the natives to get a higher degree in the education field related to arts and literature. Venus And Mars Conjunction in the fifth house.
4 Planet Conjunction Results - Four Planets in a house - Indastro If something is Missing or complex in Lagna Chart Kundli or birth chart, it can be found here in a very precise and detailed manner. Native could have bad throat, bad stomach, chest congestion, etc. Venus In 3rd House Positive Aspects Lively, Social, Independent, Irresistible, Mischievous Natal Venus In The 3rd House, Venus In 3rd House Natal So, the natives should make sure of the decisions of their career life carefully. Accordingly, this combination indicates that the interests related to Venus prompt the native to undertake many short distance journeys which are usually very fulfilling and refreshing.
The people having Venus in the 3rd house are meant to have a soft-spoken, pleasant, calm, and charming aura. Muhammad [PBUH] was most akin to Jesus [PBUH], who is coming back, and the best of people will be under protection of Jesus [PBUH]. But, there are some methods that were lost in pop culture astrology known as daily, weekly, monthly and yearly horoscopes. Male or female enjoys conversation with female. On the contrary, an undignified Venus indicates that the spouse of the native is hypocritical, ungrateful, secretive, and deceptive. Marriage brings devotion or escapism. You are a very busy person. Now comes the fun part: actually interpreting Venus in the third house! This is important for the 3rd house because it requires frequent engagement to exchange thoughts and ideas. List Of Angel Numbers, Angel Numbers Guide. People with this placement are very skillful. 13- By donating white things on Friday, the grace of Venus starts in your life. As per the basics of astrology, a strong 3rd ruler also promotes auspicious results of this combination. However, sometimes you like to gossip. , they have a positive approach to learning new things rather than just making a fortune, but there is also a negative side to it, their zest for gaining something new, they might have lost their path in their field. To begin with, anything in the third house of Venus can get a bad rap in the zodiac, making you a misunderstood sign! According to Chamatkara Chintamani, this combination provides a bitter character to the native who dislikes the company of the opposite gender. In romance novels, there will often be pangs of pleasure sought when discussing love and indulgence. The lack of dynamism and drive also indicates that the spouse of the native is very domineering and outscores the native with skills and initiative power. Wearing a silver ring on the thumb is very beneficial. Required fields are marked *. Answer (1 of 2): It is a terrible fallacy to think the navamsa can be treated like raashi chart. They can make good judgement in marriage issues. It really helped me clear all the doubts I have had for months. The person has desire for relationship and marriage. A strong Venus gives them the necessary enthusiasm to develop their natural skillsets and talents to prosper in life.
Venus and Mars in the 3rd House: Here's what they mean together - iFate.com You will always be insecure in your relationship and you or your partner may also suffer from trust and loyalty issues. It refers to a persons intellectual interests in the arts and culture. You can read more about Venus through the astrological houses here. Youre a good mediator in general, aiming to resolve conflicts quickly and restore at least temporary peace. The enthusiasm promotes motivation to take action. The combination of Saturn and Moon in career house makes billionaire to the native. The native tries best to have a peaceful home and has lovable companionship with spouse. Joint assets will be very good. Mars in third house/ Mars in 3rd house of Navamsa. In Phaladeepika there is stated that their ungenerous nature causes being disliked by others. When the planet that rules over the 6th house of the natal birth chart is located in the 12th house from the ascendant sign, it means to have this combination in question.