What else are they're going to do next? Laney: *Furious, to Lynn* You brought all this on yourself. As soon as the door close, both parents glanced at each other and smiled. Honor before reason." He appeared again in "Pulp Friction" when he and One-Eyed Jack were held captive by Wild Card Willy. Takes place after Helluva Loud Luck.
Lincoln Loud | The Loud House Encyclopedia | Fandom In "Sleuth or Consequences," Lincoln dresses as Ace Savvy for a convention, but unfortunately gets grounded and misses the convention. LYNN PUSHED US INTO DOING THIS TO YOU! Leni: *Upset* Lori's right, Lincoln. Lily: *reaches for Ronnie* Thwank you, Wonnie. On a blisteringly hot day in late August, Lincoln and Ronnie Anne Loud returned to Royal Woods for the first time in months. Luna: *Upset* So you see Lincoln, we didn't want to go along with it. At currently seven voice actors, Lincoln has had the most English voice actors out of any character in the franchise. She looked at her friend smiled. Lori stopped crying for a while. Ronnie Anne Santiago: Okay. Ronnie: *Whispers* Thanks! It's over. (started to sobbing) This is the worst day ever! Lincoln: "I'll try.". He won't be able to talk because of me. Lynn is staring at them, but most older sisters looked stern at her. Lori Loud: I guess this is where he dropped by. Lori Loud: I know Lincoln means a lot to us.
The Loud House: Save The Date (HISHE Edition) - FanFiction Wiki We wanted to protect you! He is a responsible student, has good grades, and doesn't need a tutor, unlike Lynn, Lucy, Lana, and Lola. Ronalda "Ronnie" Anne Santiago is a supporting character from The Loud House and the protagonist of its spin-off, The Casagrandes. Lincoln: "Then Lana tripped and accidentally dropped her bucket of worms on Lola . Lincoln Loud: I guess so. I'll call Bobby and tell him everything.". They knew what it needs to be done by the time when their children got home. (Rita gives Lincoln is allowance, $30, he takes it and he stuff it in his pockets, he runs to his room and find a gray box under his bed, he opens it and it contains $40.50, bring his total to $70.50. She felt really bad for her sisters except for Lynn. Ronnie Anne Santiago: Well, they did learned their lesson for not to meddling. Maria Santiago: Goodnight kids. She knew that she was in big trouble. I begged you! They snuggle in for her bed sheets. *furiously punches Lynn multiple times*. Maria Santiago: Sorry to interrupt, but I had a call from your parents. You know better than treating your brother! We knew you faked being bad luck because you didn't want to go with Lynn to the game. He doesn't have a secret that anyone doesn't know since Lola found his secret journal. ], Classmate #4: [reading the note] "Happy Sloppy Joe Tuesday, Lame-o. ), Ronnie Anne (bawling): "I DON'T KNOW HOW TO EXPRESS MY FEELINGS!!!! Ronnie Anne Santiago: Hey, you okay for that? I suggest you leave at once! I'll admit a part of me only did this so that the guys would stop teasing me. I was against Lynn from the beginning and she threatened me. [The episode begins with Lincoln at school sitting with his friends at the lunch table trying to get something out of his pants. Lynn has pennants hanging on her side of the room, while Lucy's side has a mirror, and a writing desk. Her sisters were worried about Lori. In the minicomic Deuces Wild!, Lincoln and Clyde imagine themselves as the superhero Ace Savvy, and his sidekick One-Eyed Jack respectively. Join the fun! Lisa Loud: Just a halfway there and he is getting close. You're making a big mistake! Rita and Lynn Senior gasp in horrified. Thinks quickly went downhill fast for the rest of the Loud's at 1216 Franklin Avenue. Leni Loud: (stammering) Guys, I had a nightmare! Around this time Lincoln owned a tricycle. Around ages two and three, Lincoln took a bath with Lynn who was around four and five years old at the time. He has one strand of chest hair. He could get kidnapped or get killed by some burglars?! Ronnie: *Furious* Oh, no words?! I realized that they brought their pet to finish me off! Lincoln brutally broke Lynn's leg and she screamed in pain. [Ronnie Anne chuckles and then puts her arm around him while lifting out her other arm as if she's taking a selfie right now as he imitates Lori again] "Don't get my bad side, Bobby! Lincoln clones: Welcome to the Loud House. It's so gross! I started to get mad and yelled at him for not listening. If you want to stay, that's fine. Joe and Jenny get inside their car and drove off leaving Rita and Lynn Senior in front of their house. Also please don't flame me. And if any of you, and I MEAN every one of you tries to stop us, *Draws a finger over her neck in a threatening way*, Ronnie, Lincoln, Lucy, Laney, Luna, Leni & Lori: *Leaves to pack their stuff & move out*, Lincoln: *To Leni, Lori, Luna, Laney and Lucy, guilty* Girls, I'm so sorry for not believing you 5. Lincoln was named after the street Chris Savino grew up on, which was named E Lincoln Ave. Before he was given his final name, Chris Savino said that Lincoln was either going to be named Luis, Leo, or Leon. We are just friends., Lori: But we didnt say anything about boy/girlfriend., Lincoln: Well if there is one thing that we can both agree on is that our older siblings can sometimes drive us mad.. Ronnie Anne: *sympathetic* Here, come back to my house. [15] He is also, however, shown to be a surprisingly skilled and influential leader over his sisters, including the older ones, as he often creates plans and strategies that they more often than not follow. She stood her position and waited patiently. What more could you ask for? Follow as Lincoln, Luna and the crew of I.M.P go on with their lives in this story and face old family members and some enemies. Lincoln: *looks over to her, depressed* Hey, Ronnie Lincoln: *depressed* My family kicked me out because they think Lincoln: *depressed* Because I faked that I was bad luck Lori, Luna, Laney, Lucy & Leni watches the whole scene, sad*. He is often suspicious of new neighbors, as with the. Lincoln: Ill be honest, thats a pretty messed up way of thinking., Ronnie Anne: Ill say. Okay! I picked him up again and throw him all the way to his room, but the door got in his way and fell down stairs to the ground. Characters from the Loud House/Casagrandes either shrink or grow in size. Lynn looked at her mom and dad crossing their arms. Lynn Loud Sr.: (sigh) Well, guess I'll have to make a quick phone call from your boyfriends house Lori glared at her dad for mentioning Bobby. Bobby Santiago: No! This contradicts another piece of info from Instagram, since before he said that he would go to the Moon. Lincoln: That was a great story, Ronnie Anne! ", Lincoln: Its all good. ), Lincoln: "I am just about getting sick of your pranks and punches. Lori Loud: It's true, I broke his VR game. The third is in "Not a Loud", where he is wearing a onesie and a white beanie (Jordan Koch). In each episode, Lincoln must find a new way to solve the problems that face his huge household. set 5 years in the Future, Lincoln is a 16 year old still living in the Loud House, which gradually downsized overtime. You are the best sister there is. A month has passed since Bobby, Ronnie Anne, and their mother moved away. It's a long story. Sweet dreams. He actually bolted out through the door and never came back. If it's ok with you. When he was one, he would occasionally refuse to wear his diaper (pants). !, Lincoln: Would you like to be my friend?, Bobby: Aw, you two look so cute together!, Lincoln/Ronnie Anne (blushing): She's/Hes not my girlfriend/boyfriend! The colors of Lincoln's shirt and pants, orange and blue, are complementary colors, which are colors directly opposite from the color wheel. Joe Padilla: Good, now you two have an nice evening. On Lincoln and Ronnie Anne Vlog #15, these two best friends send each other care packages to unbox on camera! Lucy Loud: That's not all, Lynn said something about that hurt his feelings. Lori Loud: Any luck? The friends of all the other siblings now hate them and they became the most hated outcasts in Royal Woods. He prefers curly fries over regular fries. You did the right thing by standing up for yourself. It eventually comes out, and it's a sloppy joe with a note on it. I failed. On May 17, 2022, Nickelodeon declared June 5 (the same date when. His greatest fear is the family falling apart,[16] along with being hated by his sisters.[11]. The dimension with Linka Loud and her ten brothers seems to be more or less the same as the world with Lincoln Loud and his ten sistersone of the only real differences being that the genders of the Loud children are reversed. He, alongside Luan and Lily, are the only Loud siblings who have buck teeth. I'm going to put my foot down and tell her straight that I'm not putting up with her bullcrap anymore! Lori: "Lincoln, this could be the only chance that you and Ronnie Anne might make up.". She has her computer laptop on her desk right next to her bed. Its just who I am I guess., Lincoln: Call me crazy, but I have this hunch that you and I have a lot more in common than we thought., Lincoln: First off, do you like video games?, Ronnie Anne: Are you kidding?
The Loud House - Rotten Tomatoes I want you to leave me alone! Is he even a member of the Loud family? Lisa Loud: And I literally blow the whole house million times. Bobby Santiago: Great! I was supposed to protect my brother from bullies, but it turns out that I'm the one who's bullying him. I regret it from everything for what we just did! He couldn't help but thinking about how they treated him for many decades. Let's face it, I'll never fit in. His white hair is a very unique feature that Lincoln has. [they laugh some more], Lincoln: Look, Ronnie Anne. The police couple got out from their car first and then Joe open the door for letting Rita and Lynn Senior out. Lincoln Loud: I'll coming over tomorrow, but that doesn't mean that I will forgive them. Lincoln: *Really enraged* SHUT THE HELL UP, YOU DISGRACEFUL SISTER! He runs away but was caught by lynn and luna, who were born with these p. logan francisco xmen +17 more # 4 Ronniecoln Week 2021 by Kyth Marquez 3.3K 28 7 Lincoln beat him up until he get arrested because his parents are rich and demanding the cops to sent our brother to juvie! Ronnie Anne Santiago: It's gonna be okay Lincoln. Perhaps he wants to go to both places. Signed, Ronnie Anne. Expect to see some EXCLUSIVE vlogs and podcasts as well as hilarious moments, interactive guides and even more. Well, you were right. Just give him some space when it's time. When he goes too far, he will always find the solution even if that means making himself look like a fool. Because of Lynn Jr.'s stupid Superstition, it ended up tearing her entire family apart. : https://at.nick.com/TVSchedule #TheLoudHouse #TheCasagrandes #LoudCasaGET MORE LOUD HOUSE \u0026 CASAGRANDES: Like The Loud House on Instagram: https://at.nick.com/TheLoudHouseInstagram LikeThe Casagrandes on Instagram: https://at.nick.com/TheCasagrandesInstagramGET SOCIAL WITH NICKELODEON: Like Nick: https://at.nick.com/Facebook Follow Nick: https://at.nick.com/Twitter Nick Instagram: https://at.nick.com/NickIG Nick Snapchat: https://at.nick.com/NickSnapchat Like NickRewind: https://at.nick.com/NickRewindFacebook Follow NickRewind: https://at.nick.com/NickRewindTwitter NickRewind Instagram: https://at.nick.com/NickRewindIG Nick Tumblr: https://at.nick.com/Tumblr Pin Nick: https://at.nick.com/Pinterest Visit the Official Site: https://at.nick.com/Official Get the App: https://at.nick.com/App Welcome to The Loud House \u0026 Casagrandes YouTube channel! P.S., here's the link in case you missed it. It seems like he inherited it from Pop-Pop, but Pop-Pop most likely has white hair because he's old. Thank you so much for understanding. He gets nervous while meeting one of his idols for the first time.
The Loud House Fanfiction Stories | Quotev But doing this isn't right! You and your stupid superstition! Lincoln takes a first shower to wash himself off and then he's borrowing Bobby's pajamas that has green when Bobby use to wear in Lincoln's age. Lisa Loud: I never had any nightmares, but this is horrible! Ronnie Anne is first mentioned, but does not appear onscreen, in the episode . This is a separate fanfic that I made as a single chapter only. Lincoln celebrated his sixth birthday at the bowling alley, his fingers got stuck in the ball's holes and he ended up flying down the lane with it, knocking all the pins down in the process. In "A Flipmas Carol", Flip dreamed of two Ghosts of Christmas Present, who resembled Lincoln and Clyde. Get away from that jinx! Rita Loud: This is unforgivable! He opens the door. Maria Santiago: That is not true. *Gives her a kiss on the cheek for her gratitude*, Ronnie Anne: *blushes from what her boyfriend said*, Lori, Leni, Luna, Lucy and Laney: *smile at the sweet scene*, Ronnie: *Blushes* Thanks Lincoln. Bobby Santiago: Sorry Lori, I don't think I could date a girl who is selfish. Ronnie Anne is shocked. He typically uses the bathroom at 7:03 AM.
Lincoln & Ronnie Anne's Friendship Timeline! | The Loud House Lincoln is not a bad luck, YOU ARE!!!
Lincoln & Ronnie Anne Vlog #15: Unboxing Special! | The Loud House Luna Loud: Don't forget about us! Lori Loud: I didn't know when this happens! Silvermist, Fawn, Iridessa and Vidia: Yeah! Luna was shock to hear this. There's gotta be another way. He always reads his comic books in white briefs and socks, but on some occasions, he reads his comic books in his full outfit. My great grandmother told me about what happened for today. Bobby Santiago: The thing is what you said where he came by to my house, my sister is the one that she brought him home from the park. She cannot believe that her sisters stood up to her. Likewise, he dislikes sitting in front of Lori (because she gets carsick) or Lana (because she owns a peashooter). And so I put my foot down and told Ronnie Anne to leave me alone. I predict him for his fortune. I'm not sure about this. Maria Santiago: Sweetie, they were worried about you because they love you. This is not what I wanted! Bobby couldn't believe that he had to broke up with Lori again since last time. Lola: *sees Lincoln, screams* GET HIM OUT OF HERE! *Begins to cry*. Luna Loud: I blasted him out by my loud music. In "Deal Me Out," Lincoln dresses as Ace Savvy again, though begins to wonder if he is too old as he has almost grown out of his costume. In "Time Trap! Like the time we fought over for money, the "spot", TV, pool, pizza, anything. Even if it is a converted linen closet. We just got a message from the Queen of Pixie Hollow! Lincoln Loud is an eleven-year-old boy who lives with ten sisters. They looked at the TV as they watched together. Leni covered Lily's ears because there's going to be some yelling. In the siblings' story in "A Dark and Story Night," Lincoln imagines himself as a space cowboy named Triton. On Lincoln's seventh birthday, he had a magician themed party. What on earth happened!? Lori: *sad* Did you hear him say he "faked" being bad luck? He is the only one in the family with this hair color, as his sisters are either a brunette or a blonde (with the exception of Lucy). Lori and Bobby are having the time of their lives while Lincoln and Ronnie Anne havent said a word after an awkward Hello. From and to each other. I'm gonna help Lincoln, Lori, *To Leni, & Luna, whispering* I didn't get both of your names. Lincoln is incredibly calm. Lincoln tends to remind himself to think of shorter names for his operations. He sat on her bed and it felt comfortable. Lori Loud: He ran out from the mall. Together, they fight and defeat the gas monster, and save the day. She starts to mumble and move her sides on her bed. https://ghostarchive.org/iarchive/instagram/theloudhousecartoon/1482079644059710003_1482078410305412742, Nickelodeon All-Star Brawl [@NickBrawlGame], "We hope everyone enjoys the impeccable voice talent that these incredible individuals are able to bring to the table:", The Loud House | Inside The Loud House w/ Creator Chris Savino | Nick, Lincoln Loud's ABCs of Getting the Last Slice, Nickelodeon Declares June 5 as National Lincoln Loud Day.
Ronnie Anne Santiago | The Loud House Encyclopedia | Fandom While trying to catch up to his older sister Lynn, he accidentally ran into Clyde who was dressed as One-Eyed Jack, giving him a nosebleed in the process. Lynn Loud Jr.: (raising her voice) That was not my fault! He does not know that there are other types of wood and screwdrivers. Her parents looked at her worried. So I took your advice, and stayed out of your fighting like you said," Said Lincoln. His favorite holidays are Christmas and Halloween. Around age six, Lincoln and his friend Clyde made a secret hideout in a cave at Tall Timber park. It was all because of me! "Along Came a Sister". ", (Ronnie Anne then starts to bawl her eyes out. We looked everywhere until we figured that he's at Bobby's house. ! It is uncertain as to why Lincoln's hair is white. They started to felt sympathy for her. Tinkerbell: Hey guys! Rita Loud: (livid) Ugh!
Teenage Lincoln (Book 1) (A Loud House Story) - Wattpad GrouseRockyBeckyPrincipal HugginsPaigeSMOOCHCaseyNikkiSameerGabbyRichieByronCiciSidAdelaide ChangAngusLelaAgnes JohnsonTwelve Is MidnightCharlie (crush/(The Really Loud House only)), If I had to worry about my sisters every time I wanted to do something, I'd never do anything. DON'T TRY AND DENY IT! *To everyone, angry* I'm gonna help Lincoln, Lori, Leni, Luna, Lucy, and Laney pack their stuff and move out. Experimental One Shot. Lincoln wears orange since Leni says that it looks good on him. He attends the 6th grade at Royal Woods Middle School, having previously attended the 5th grade at Royal Woods Elementary School. So far it is unknown how Lincoln chipped his front tooth, although as seen in "The Whole Picture", he likely chipped when he was three or four years old.
Ronnieanne Stories - Wattpad She looked to the sky with so many stars. ", Lincoln: "What?! About yesterday. She was speechless. He had enough with us and told us that we only cared about ourselves. Goodnight mom. It is known that Lincoln can cook when he wants to give his father a break. Lincoln is not a bad luck! Only to be confronted by an angry group of Loud Sisters as they loom over him. Ronnie Anne is walking around. I don't want anything that happens to Lincoln or my sisters! Ronnie Anne: Well, Lori was having a word to Lincoln. He yelled at us and telling us who did this. It reminds him that he has a picture of him and his sisters. Lucy too. When I looked out to the hall, I see some bad people with their belongings and looked at me. He likes breakfast burritos with cheese and no potatoes.
The first balloon animal that he ever successfully made was a kangaroo. Luna Loud: Good, now let's all get some rest. Lincoln Loud: (sniff with lower voice) Thanks, I just hope they can forget about me and go back to their normal lives. The best advice he ever received, is to always have a plan. Most of the time Lincoln is quiet and relaxed, but sometimes he gets upset when he is annoyed, or when something goes wrong. WE LOVE YOU! Please, I'm sorry! He writes an essay about Pop-Pop, titled 'My Hero', every year. Lori fed him his very first ice cream when he was around one years old. When he came home! And don't get me started on the kissing. His most favorite subject in school is Psychology. The Loud kids are hard at work cleaning up their rooms.
No Such Luck Aftermath - The Loud House Fanon Wikia *sequel to be made by @AnarchyDragonGod *The Loud House and it's Characters are owned by Chris Savino and Nickelodeon* *My First FanFic not based on A Disney Show* Lincoln: *Annoyed & Furious with six "Mean" sisters* What do you abusers want!? Ronnie Anne Santiago: I thought this might cheer you up for watching "Ace Savy". Bobby Santiago: It's not like that. Lori Loud: I'm sorry that you've been through. They open the door and looked Leni panting and shaking in fear. Suddenly, her mother came in to check on both kids. The girls nodded. Well, I guess all those silly pranks I pulled on you was my own way of saying, Youre a pretty cool guy for a lame-o".
Heavy Meddle - Epilogue - The Loud House Encyclopedia Ronnie Anne Santiago: Anytime lame-o. Lincoln Loud: Wait, my parents released from jail?! She rarely seen her crying since Lynn was a baby and then as a toddler. Ronnie Anne: Sup, Linc! Rita Loud: No buts, young lady! Ronnie Anne Santiago: It's fine, just giving you comfortable in case you have trouble of sleeping. Her only brother in this family. He acts as the "Jack of All Trades" to all of his sisters. His favorite song is "Grab Life by the Lips" by SMOOCH. Something that Lincoln has shown is that he is a multi-faceted person. One Boy, Eleven Girls! Dealing with that many sisters can be tough, but he loves the whole family and is always willing to lend a hand when they need him. Her mother closes the door. Let's take a look at their friendship time. It's my first ever one shot I've done. Being the only boy DOES come with some perks - hey, hes got his own room! She looked at Lincoln holding her picture. I'm sure everything will be back to normal for further notice. On the plus side, he gets his own room. The door slowly open as it turns out when Bobby was checking on his sister and his friend. Lincoln: *To Ronnie, Leni, Lucy, Laney Lori & Luna* Hold on guys, there's something I need to get. This may be why his name is Lincoln, as it was the name of former President of the United States. Lincoln was delivered by the First Lady of the United States. Despite Lucy, Lisa, and Lily, they are the only girls that they don't have nightmares unlike most of the girls. (sigh) What am I going to do with those girls. His bad luck has caused this! His parents think he always forgets to put the toilet seat up. My mom and Bobby say the same thing to me. West Buy! Lynn Loud Sr.: (livid) But that doesn't mean we went to jail! Lori Loud: (sobbing softly) Let's go everyone. Why would I even have a girlfriend who pull down my pants, puts garbage in my locker, and physically harasses me with punches and sloppy joe's in my pantsfor three weeks straight! Let's get back to sleep and by morning we'll find a way to bring it back together. Lynn Loud Sr.: It doesn't matter now. Luna: *Furious* I have a better idea, Lynn. ", Ronnie Anne: [imitating Bobby] "You don't have a bad side, babe." I'll go order you guys some pizza. If he could go to any place in the world, he would go to the moon. I really dont. Lincoln Loud: That's the point. Lincoln has had broken back teeth about since he was 5 years old.[7]. Ronnie Anne: Thanks dudeRemember when I said that I didnt know how to express my feelings? (Lincoln, Lori, Bobby, and Ronnie Anne are already at the table they reserved. Laney: I wanted no involvement in all this but I was trying to help you. He close the door behind him instead of replying to her. Rosetta: It's says here Penny was captured in Devil's Bayou! Lets see what favorite items they sent each other. With Grey Griffin, Lara Jill Miller, Jessica DiCicco, Liliana Mumy. He really needs to tell her something that is important. His plans rarely succeed because of his own selfish and reckless decisions or by his sisters' interference. Lincoln Loud: I guess so, but I'm not ready to leave yet. He insulted me and I got so mad at him for what he did.