Two years after that, he'd be arrested for driving a stolen car with a new name: Gerry Mockerman. A second barrel containing the bodies of two unidentified girls is found at New Hampshire's Bear Brook State Park. What's worse is that he dismembered her as well. Steve preceded her in death on September 16, 2016. Read MoreRecall alert: More than 50,000 pounds of sausage recalled over listeria concerns. State police investigators also began constructing a timeline for the man Strelzin described as a chameleon. As it turned out, police officials there were familiar with a man named Bob Evans. A NEW documentary is exploring the life and murders of Terry Peder Rasmussen, better known as The Chameleon Killer. What makes Rasmussen such a uniquely scary study is the fact that he would establish deeply personal relationships with his victims prior to killing them. The troopers counterparts in New Hampshire are working with genetic genealogist Dr. Barbara Rae-Venter on the case. He'd only serve seven years of the sentence, as he would die from a combination of lung cancer, pneumonia, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Margaret L. Rasmussen, age 97, of Harvard, Nebraska, formerly of Norfolk, Nebraska, died Tuesday, March 2, 2021, at Harvard Rest Haven in Harvard. The unidentified remains of the woman and child found in a barrel in New Hampshire are buried. Maricopa County Sheriffs Department, Arizona.Terry Rasmussens 1973 mug shot. Instead, they focus on complete strangers.". Suspected serial killer Terry Rasmussen, her common-law husband, was convicted in her death. He recognized the man as his missing daughters boyfriend, Bob Evans. His wife had seen enough by this point, leaving him and taking their children shortly after the arrest. Then, in July, DNA testing confirmed Bob Evans actual identity: Terry Peder Rasmussen. In November 1981 she took her 6-month old daughter to her moms for Thanksgiving dinner. It is also unclear when she might have been slain. Headley told 20/20 that when Dawn Beaudin was taken into protective custody after being abandoned in 1986, she was asked if she had siblings. At that time, Denise Beaudin also had a 5-month-old daughter. Terry Rasmussen Photos show Denise Beaudin and Terry Rasmussen, aka Bob Evans, in 1981, shortly before Beaudin vanished. Terry passed away on month day 1956, at age 12 at death place, Idaho. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Terry Rasmussen.
Diane Kloepfer Now: Where Is Terry Rasmussen's Daughter Today in 2020? The slain, unidentified bodies of a woman age 22-23 and a child at first believed to be age 5-11 are found by a hunter in a barrel in Bear Brook State Park, Allenstown, New Hampshire. He served a three-year prison sentence for child abandonment in 1989, but made a plea deal and managed to make parole in 1990. Police and prison officials knew him by his alias, Larry Vanner as well as other aliases he used in . Marlyse Elizabeth Honeychurch (January 28, 1954 - c. 1980) was one of four female homicide victims found in Allenstown, New Hampshire. He lived in Phoenix, Arizona, with his family and later on in Hawaii, where he was married in 1968. The three were among four victims found stuffed into 55-gallon drums in New Hampshire woods in 1985 and 2000. Obituary. Contra Costa County authorities learn, through DNA testing, that Lisa, the 5-year-old who was abandoned by Gordon Jenson in 1986, is not his biological daughter; Lisas case is reopened to find out who she is. By Shelley Murphy Globe Staff,August 18, 2017, 9:19 a.m. Terry Peder Rasmussen with his daughter in 1969. Denise Beaudins body has never been found. Nobody knew who the woman and child from the grisly barrels were. Lisa was in the car with him at the time of his arrest, according to police. Long before genetic genealogy was used in 2018 to crack the infamous Golden State Killer serial murders, California authorities were using ancestry websites to search for Lisa Jensons real identity. At the time, he was serving his sentence for Jun's murder. Under a multitude of aliases, across three decades, Terry Rasmussen murdered, abducted, and deceived his way through several states. Which says, yeah, theres more victims out there, definitely. He married in Hawaii in 1968 and a year later, moved to Phoenix, Arizona, where the couple would go on to have four children. I was really centered on the little girl, on Lisa, Gruenheid told 20/20 last year. Maricopa County Sheriffs Department, Arizona. He reports it to police. Crystal Bonvillian, Cox Media Group National Content Desk, Authorities seek ID of serial killer's slain daughter. His daughters name is unknown, as is the identity of her mother, who authorities believe is likely another of Rasmussens victims. People were especially horrified by Terry Rasmussen's m.o., and they're learning more about his methodologies even after his death. Chemist Eunsoon Jun, 42, of Richmond, California, introduces Terry Rasmussen to friends at a party. For years, he rambled across the . "That is hard for me. But the couple split in 1975, shortly after Rasmussen was arrested for aggravated assault. Leave your condolences to the family on this memorial page or send flowers to show you care. (Louisiana State Police). Inside were the bodies of the two youngest victims, wrapped in plastic as the first two victims were. But before that, he was a family man himself. Who did he get her from?. The girl was one of four victims found stuffed into 55-gallon drums, bottom right, in New Hampshire woods in 1985 and 2000. Following the retirement of Brad Hewitt of Thrivent Financial Inc., Terry Rasmussen was named the new CEO of the company, as well as the first female in company history . Rasmussen then kidnapped Lisa and posed as her father for years, until he was arrested in 1985 for a DUI and endangering a child's welfare. In May 2000, a cold case detective decided to go back to the site and take another look at the remaining barrels. The corpse of an unidentified child (aged between two and four) was also discovered. As Jenson, he had abandoned a 5-year-old girl, who he claimed was his daughter, Lisa Jenson, while they were living together in 1986 at an RV park in Cypress, California. San Bernardino County Sheriffs Office detectives opened an investigation into Lisas true identity. As president and CEO at Thrivent, I'm honored to lead a Fortune 500 diversified financial services organization that offers holistic advice, investments, insurance, and banking to . He had his 5-year-old daughter with him a girl named Lisa. Little did anyone know, Jensen was actually Terry Rasmussen, once again changing his identity. She took the blame for her leaving, Honeychurchs brother, David Salamon, told ABCs 20/20 in a segment on the case last year. The test revealed that Beaudin was Lisas maternal grandfather.
Bear Brook : NPR We knew that Bob Evans actually spent a good amount of time on that property where the barrels were found, because he used to fix up and do some electrical work at a camp store that was right there on the property at the park, Carol Schweitzer of the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children told 20/20 last year. Menu ; Stevens Point: (715) 344-4595 . Authorities believe Rasmussens daughter was between 2 and 4 years old when she was killed, putting her date of birth somewhere between 1975 and 1977. "There's more victims out there, definitely," San Bernardino County, California, Sheriff's Deputy Peter Headley told ABC News. Terry Rasmussen Marlyse Honeychurch, from left, and her daughters, Marie Vaughn and Sarah McWaters, are pictured, along with artists renderings of their bodies before they were identified in 2019. In 2017, authorities announced that DNA taken from Lisa/Dawn Beaudin did not match the genetic profile of the woman found in the first metal drum.
Obituary for Laurence "Larry" Rasmussen | Troutman Funeral Home His parents were shopkeepers who later managed a shoe store. Clockwise from left: Denise Beaudin, Marlyse Elizabeth Honeychurch, Sarah L. McWaters, Marie E. Vaughn, "the Middle Child," Eunsoon Jun. Sarah was the youngest and her half-sister, Marie Vaughn, was the oldest. The case, eventually called The Lisa Project, ended up containing more than 200 of the womans relatives including a first cousin, authorities said. 9 Of History's Most Chilling Mummies, From A 2,000-Year-Old Woman With Blood Still In Her Veins To A Bronze Age Bride, Myrtle Brown Disappeared 32 Years Ago And A Segment On NBC Helped Her Family Find Out What Happened To Her, What Stephen Hawking Thinks Threatens Humankind The Most, 27 Raw Images Of When Punk Ruled New York, Join The All That's Interesting Weekly Dispatch. The medical examiner could not determine for sure how the younger girls died but determined they had been murdered. Rasmussens unidentified biological daughter travelled to New Hampshire with the Honeychurch family before they all ended up in those barrels.
Teresa Rasmussen, '84, President and CEO of Thrivent, named to H.B She said that she did, but they died from eating grass mushrooms when they were out camping, Headley said. When friends reported her missing, Vanner was taken in for questioning, at which point he was fingerprinted. Fingerprints taken from inside his trailer came back as belonging to Kimball, the name under which he had been arrested in 1985 for drunken driving. By using this website, you accept the terms of our Visitor Agreement and Privacy Policy, and understand your options regarding Ad Choices. The Chameleon Killer died in prison in 2010 as Kimball without ever facing justice for a fraction of his evil deeds. The suspected serial killer, who died in a California prison in 2010, is accused of having killed at least six people, including his toddler daughter. Funeral services will be at 2:00 pm on Tuesday . 5/4/1944 ~ 2/28/2023. Terry James Rasmussen of Daleville passed away Friday, May 6, 2022 at his residence surrounded by his family. Terry Lee . Kimball refused to confirm who she was. Terry Rasmussen poses as "Larry Vanner" in an arrest photo from 2002. The family and friends of Marlyse Honeychurch and her daughters gather for a funeral for the trio after their identities are finally uncovered. He is working with a man who also owns property in Allenstown. Her boyfriend also accompanied them. About. At that time, he used another alias: Curtis Kimball. Terry Rasmussen Terry Rasmussen is pictured in a 1985 mugshot. Boston 25 News facebook feed(Opens a new window), Boston 25 News twitter feed(Opens a new window), Boston 25 News youtube feed(Opens a new window), School administrators: Create a closings account, told ABCs 20/20 in a segment on the case last year, Town-by-town totals: These Mass. People may receive compensation for some links to products and services on this website. At that time, Denise Beaudin also had a 5-month-old daughter. It's a morbid subject, but maybe there's a subconscious, collective fascination with someone who commits such heinous crimes against members of their own species. Police believe Terry Rasmussen, a man one expert deemed the worst serial killer, murdered the four women and children found stuffed into barrels in a New Hampshire state park decades ago. He is a renowned serial killer who murdered around six people across America and was a nightmare to the best wrongful death lawyers in the United States. Beaudins daughter, Denise Beaudin, had been missing since November 1981. Terry Rasmussen is pictured in a 1990 mugshot taken under the alias of Curtis Kimball. Using DNA taken from Kimball/Vanner/Jenson/Evans in California, they discovered that he was the father of one of the child victims, who over the years had become known as the middle child because of her age in relation to the other girls. . Police searched Juns home and garage. After pleading no contest to the murder of his wife, Eunsoon Jun, he was sentenced for 15 years to life in prison. Marie Vaughn was last seen with her mother and sister at a Thanksgiving gathering in 1978. Their headstone reads: Here lies the mortal remains known only to God of a woman aged 23-33 and a girl child aged 8-10. I got the call that he was not biologically related to Lisa, and that confirmed a lot of what my suspicions were, the former detective said. Rasmussen, who died in 2010, was convicted of murder in California and is . WBAL NewsRadio 1090/FM 101.5 - (DENVER) -- Terry Rasmussen was born in Colorado on Dec. 23, 1943.
Terry Rasmussen - Historical records and family trees - MyHeritage When he resurfaced as Juns boyfriend in 1999, he was going by the Vanner alias. Rasmussen's final arrest occurred in November of 2003. February 1972 . Terry Rasmussen, aka Robert Evans, was the boyfriend of Denise Beaudin in 1981, when she was last seen in Manchester. Marylse Honeychurch is last seen around Thanksgiving in La Puente, California, with Terry Rasmussen. He was indeed the biological father of the 2-3-year-old girl discovered in the second barrel in 2000. He apparently even murdered his own biological daughter. After reading about the the chilling case of Terry Rasmussen, learn about John Joubert, the Eagle Scout who became a serial killer. Rasmussen became a suspect in the Bear Brook killings thanks to dogged police work and a California womans search for her biological family. DNA testing has also revealed she is primarily Caucasian with a small amount of Asian, Black and American Indian ancestry..
Juns friends and family were highly suspicious of Vanne in her disappearance, having warned Jun earlier that they found her new boyfriend odd. Terry Rasmussen works under the name of Bob Evans as an electrician in Manchester, New Hampshire. (New Hampshire State Police). During the news conference, investigators detail the Bear Brook State Park murders; the killing of Eunsoon Jun in California; Lisas abandonment; and Lisas link to the still-missing Denise Beaudin, her mother. Although it took decades for Terry Rasmussen to be convicted in 2003 of just one of the crimes he was alleged to have committed during his life, The Chameleon Killer on Discovery Plus chronicles the murders authorities long suspected him of. In October 2016, DNA extracted from the remains of the Allenstown Four was compared to Kimballs. Terry Rasmussen was born in Colorado on Dec. 23, 1943. It was only in November of 1985 that their remains were found in a barrel in Bear Brook State ParkinAllenstown, New Hampshire. Rasmussen was born in 1943 in Denver but grew up in Arizona, according to New Hampshire authorities. Terry Rasmussen going by the name of "Gordon Jenson" is living in California's Santa Cruz County and working . A son was born in 1970 in Palo Alto, California, followed by a third daughter in 1972. Using DNA taken from Kimball/Vanner/Jenson/Evans in California, they discovered that he was the father of one of the child victims, who over the years had become known as the middle child because of her age in relation to the other girls. He did not show up for his court appearance either.
Wrongful Death Serial Series: Terry Rasmussen - Robert J. DeBry Read MorePolice officers shoot, kill gunman at Target in Nebraska, A man who wanted to shine a light on the East Coast Greenway has completed his journey from Maine all the way south to Key West in Florida. Turn on desktop notifications for breaking stories about interest? It wasn't Rasmussen's first time in prison, however he'd just been using a different name. In an unfortunate turn of events, her body was found under a large pile of kitty litter at their home. By October 1980, however, "Elizabeth" was absent from future documents. Rasmussen had many aliases. Juns mummified body was found buried under cat litter in her basement in 2002.
Police Trying to ID More Victims of Serial Killer Terry Rasmussen It is unknown when the family moved and relocated to Arizona, but Rasmussen would have likely been around 10 or 11 years old when he started his primary school education, according to court . The bodies of Honeychurch, McWaters, and Vaughn were found in barrels in Bear Brook State Park in Allentown, N.H., in 1985. He attended high school in Arizona but dropped out to join the Navy in 1961. The serial killer surfaced in 1999, but this time as Larry Vanner. One of their daughters, Diane Kloepfer, told 20/20 last year that her mother once told her Rasmussen had burned his young son with a cigarette. No one from Sarahs family had heard from her since Marlyse left California in 1978 with a guy whose last name was Rasmussen. DNA testing has confirmed that Terry Rasmussen is her biological father. Juns mummified body was found buried under cat litter in her basement in 2002.
Laura Catherine Rasmussen Obituary - Tribute Archive ABC's WMUR 9 News reported that Rasmussen married an unknown woman in Hawaii in 1968. At that point in time, her family believed that she skipped town due to financial reasons. Terry Dean Rasmussen was born on month day 1944, at birth place, Idaho, to Robert Dean Rasmussen and Edith Rasmussen. . The same DNA analysis that showed the girl was Rasmussens daughter showed that she was not related to Honeychurch or her girls, who were all last seen alive in November 1978 in La Puenta, California. She had slightly wavy brown hair and stood approximately 3 feet, 3 inches to 3 feet, 9 inches tall. By subscribing to this BDG newsletter, you agree to our. She was 2 to 4 years old at the time of her death, placing her birthdate between 1975-1977. An artists rendering shows what the unidentified daughter of suspected serial killer Terry Rasmussen might have looked like before her killing. In the late 60s, he moved to Hawaii, where he worked in his parents shoe store and married in 1968, according to the police timeline. He dropped out of high school and enlisted in 1961 in the U.S. Navy. Dan was born on March 27, 1959 in Ord, Nebraska to Robert and Nila (Yax) Rasmussen. The podcast, which will be downloaded 11 million times, is heard by amateur sleuth Rebekah Heath. The cause of death was blunt force trauma to the head. Rasmussen didnt target strangers, but his girlfriends and their children. I have three beautiful children and a loving husband, and would like our presently happy and secure life to remain intact and protected, she said in the statement, according to CNN. 24 Feb 1986 (aged 29) Van Nuys, Los Angeles County, California, USA. (It) just hurts that she doesnt know that it wasnt her fault, that she left with somebody that was gonna be horrible..
Obituary for Theresa "Terry" (Pepe) Rasmussen | Jenkins-King & Malerba Terry Dean Rasmussen, 1944 - 1956.
Teresa (Terry) Rasmussen - President & CEO - Thrivent | LinkedIn Learn about careers at Cox Media Group.
Edit Search New Search. When were the four actually murdered? The suspected serial killer, who died in a California prison in 2010, is accused of having killed at least six people, including his toddler daughter. On Nov. 10, 1985, two brothers were hunting in Bear Brook State Park, bordering Allenstown, New Hampshire. In the early 1970s, Rasmussen was arrested in Arizona, and in June 1975, he was arrested again this time for aggravated assault. IN THE CARE OF. He was buried on month day 1956, at burial place, Idaho. The troopers counterparts in New Hampshire are working with genetic genealogist Dr. Barbara Rae-Venter on the case. Long before genetic genealogy was used in 2018 to crack the infamous Golden State Killer serial murders, California authorities were using ancestry websites to search for Lisa Jensons real identity. Terry Rasmussen, known at that time as Curtis Kimball, is paroled. (New Hampshire State Police).
Terry RASMUSSEN Obituary - Gurnee, IL - Dignity Memorial However, as is usually the case with serial killers, the harsh reality is that there could have been more victims. (AP Photo). 7 Feb 1957. Inside, wrapped in plastic, were the badly decomposed bodies of Honeychurch and her 6-year-old daughter, Marie Vaughn. It was only discovered sometime after his death that Rasmussen was actually a serial killer a revelation that came after authorities learned he wasn't actually Lisa's father. nice write up. She had slightly wavy brown hair and stood approximately 3 feet, 3 inches to 3 feet, 9 inches tall. Mississippi relatives hold key to ID of last of 4 New Hampshire serial killer victims found in drums, Crystal Bonvillian, Cox Media Group National Content Desk, 6-month-old Ohio twin at center of Amber Alert dies; family cites feeding accident, Skull found on riverbank in Pennsylvania identified as missing New Jersey man from 1986, Officials: 2 missing Dallas Zoo monkeys found nearby abandoned house, Rust shooting: Alec Baldwin, armorer charged with involuntary manslaughter, Rep. George Santos stepping down from House committees, Recall alert: Banana Boat recall of hair and scalp sunscreen spray expanded, Police officers shoot, kill gunman at Target in Nebraska, Journey complete: Man riding unicycle makes it to Key West, Father of Peeps Ira Bob Born dies, Boulder crashes into home; rolls through living room and ends up in bedroom, State Farm, Progressive have stopped insuring some Kia, Hyundai vehicles, Recall alert: More than 50,000 pounds of sausage recalled over listeria concerns, told ABCs 20/20 in a segment on the case last year, Marlyse Honeychurch Marie Vaughn Saran Mcwaters, Mississippi Relatives Hold Key To Id Of Last Of 4 New Hampshire Serial Killer Victims Found In Drums, Is the car free?: Borrowers shocked by American Car Centers closure in Memphis, Germantown Police Officer dead, police say, Video shows moments Gershun Freeman died in custody at 201 Poplar, Man found dead at Valero gas station, MPD says, New company services American Car Centers loans as former employees sue.