While this made sense the first two times (both were barefoot the first time and had their shoes slip off during fusion the second), afterward Steven or Connie's footwear will disappear completely during fusion, then reappear on its original wearer once they split apart. She and the rest of the Off Colors resided on Earth, but after the events of"Little Graduation", she and the rest of the Off Colors have returned to space. They are both unfaceted and triangular in shape. In "Coach Steven", Sugilite is the first example of Gems remaining as an unstable fusion for too long. Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available from thestaff@tvtropes.org. They are able to pick up driving to an exceptional degree in, Initially, Stevonnie wears the clothing Steven and Connie had on when they fused, but as different article because of the different size compared to them (i.e. More stable fusions like Garnet and Stevonnie tend to be more compact and humanoid, while more volatile fusions like Sugilite, Alexandrite, and Malachite tend to be larger and more monstrous. Steven Universe Speculative Fan Fusion List Fusions are alphabetized. Because of the lack of individuality of mind and physical construct, there are no new personalities. Garnet gives Greg a more literal explanation of fusing in a romantic sense, that the Gems turn into light and have to be trusting of the other Gem with their light. For example, if Opal (Amethyst and Pearl) fused with Garnet (Ruby and Sapphire), or if Pearl fused with Sugilite (Ruby, Sapphire and Amethyst), or if Amethyst fused with Sardonyx (Pearl, Ruby and Sapphire), or if Garnet (Ruby and Sapphire), Amethyst, and Pearl all fused together, they would always form Alexandrite.[3]. It is a rhombus with a table cut, similar to the gemstone that powered the, Unknown triangular-cut Gems (possibly two different types/varieties). The combined form of Garnet, Amethyst, and Pearl. When Gems in a given Fusion have incompatible personalities or have conflicting motives for fusing, and for whatever reason do not (or can not) terminate the Fusion, it results in an unstable fusion. Alexandrite may look like a six-armed giant woman, but when the Fusion starts breaking down, when she gets pissed, or breathes fire, she reveals a second. All three (or more) minds exist in the same body simultaneously, Fusions of two small Gems are only slightly larger than average humans. Some fusions are stable due to how close in connection the Gems fusing are, such as Garnet, since Ruby and Sapphire are so romantically involved. Fusion will cause the creation of a new Gem; however, this does not necessarily mean that this Gem does not already exist. Sardonyx is the secondary gemstone of August, after peridot. Stevonnie tends to split when they feel strong negative emotions, like fear and anger. Go to the CN APP where you can find new unlocked episodes updated every week!Connect with Cartoon Network Online:Visit Cartoon Network WEBSITE: http://cartn.co/cnwebsiteFollow Cartoon network on INSTAGRAM: http://cartn.co/instagramLike Cartoon Network on FACEBOOK: http://cartn.co/facebookFollow Cartoon Network on TWITTER: http://cartn.co/twitterhttp://www.youtube.com/user/CartoonNetwork Both arms are small-handed, and blue, although the lower pair seems more muscular. The Gem Destabilizer effects share common traits shown by Yellow Diamond's energy blasts. But that doesn't stop him from joining Garnet, Amethyst and Pearl on their magical adventures - where Steven always finds a surprising way to save the day. Click to watch brand new clips: http://bit.ly/2stLlj3 Visit the Cartoon Network website for more fun activities, games and downloads and check out our videos on Cartoon Network YouTube Channel: United Kingdom www.cartoonnetwork.co.uk websitewww.youtube.com/cartoonnetworkuk - YouTube Channel Danmark www.cartoonnetwork.dk websitewww.youtube.com/cartoonnetworkdk - YouTube Channel Sverige www.cartoonnetwork.se websitewww.youtube.com/cartoonnetworkse - YouTube Channel Norge www.cartoonnetwork.no websitewww.youtube.com/cartoonnetworkno - YouTube ChannelIndia www.cartoonnetworkindia.com/ - websitehttps://www.youtube.com/cnindia - YouTube ChannelAustralia www.cartoonnetwork.com.au/ - websitewww.youtube.com/cartoonnetworkau1 - YouTube ChannelAsiawww.cartoonnetworkasia.com - websitewww.youtube.com/cartoonnetworkapac - YouTube ChannelPhilippines www.cartoonnetworkasia.com - websitewww.youtube.com/channel/UCutr4CI5duZGblRX8Ea6x-A - YouTube ChannelIndonesia www.cartoonnetworkasia.com - websitehttps://www.youtube.com/CartoonNetworkIndonesia - YouTube ChannelMalaysia www.cartoonnetworkasia.com - websitewww.youtube.com/CartoonNetworkMalaysia - YouTube Channel#stevenuniverse Each of her first two body segments has a pair of slender arms. Unfused Gems: Amethyst Biggs Jasper Bismuth Lapis Lazuli Larimar Pearl Peridot Ruby Sapphire Snowflake Obsidian It is unfaceted and triangular in shape. This is a wiki of the Roblox game, Steven Universe Galaxy Union, If you can please help us expand this fandom. A lovely list of lovely Steven Universe fusions. It appears that the more hostile the fusion, the larger and more monstrous it becomes. Fusions are formed when the participants are emotionally harmonious with each other. Garnet (Steven Universe) - Wikipedia Steven Universe: Unleash the Light is a mobile game developed by Grumpyface Studios that was announced as part of the Apple Arcade Announcement Event on September 10, 2019. When Garnet mentions her affiliation with Rose Quartz, she is shocked, just as everyone else is, and claims that Garnet cannot be telling the truth, because Rose Quartz isn't real. In "Coach Steven", Garnet and Amethyst lose themselves in Sugilite, going on a rampage and refusing to split up. Steven Universe Galaxy Union Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Steven tells the group that it wasn't and that on Earth, people can live freely, which Fluorite believes is wonderful. Alexandrite and Malachite have been shown to use their components' weapons in combat. ", are using each other for selfish gain Jasper is just using Lapis for the power boost, and Lapis is using the fusion to take control of and imprison Jasper. The fused form of Pearl and Amethyst. Her gemstones display moderately vibrant colors: earthy pink, lime-green, darkblue, light periwinkle blue,soft yellow and mixed-earthy purple, occasionally differing in coloration due to the lighting. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! Future Publishing Limited Quay House, The Ambury, Bath BA1 1UA. Steven Universe - All Fusion Dance/Attempt/Unfuse (Up to Season 4 - Know Your Fusion) Sense2001 39.2K subscribers Subscribe 4.3M views 6 years ago Finally, a custom made intro. Gemsona Fusion Maker (Steven Universe)my fusion by Zeldacat123; Jade by cs2406253; dess me up by giulianathecat2020; Gemsona Fusion Maker (Steven Universe) remix by GVVGHGYHuhjwybg3yheu; this is cozzy by sans_man_undertale; Meet my gemsona, Aqua, the child of blue diamond by JSAB_Player1; Steven may not be as powerful as the Crystal Gems. The fusion between Gems of different types was also seen as 'disgusting' and 'reprehensible' by Homeworld Gems in "The Answer". Steven Universe: The Movie (Original Soundtrack), Steven Universe Future (Original Soundtrack), 'Steven Universe's' Rebecca Sugar confirms Fluorite is a representation of a polyamorous relationship, https://twitter.com/420toonlink/status/937167285650825216, Empire City Wildlife Rehabilitation Center Employee. List of fusions that include Steven Universe . During the process of fusion, the gemstones of the participating Gems are visible and will morph into their corresponding locations from their fusing Gems. Fluorite tells the group that she is composed of six Gems, and could possibly expand if they meet the right Gem. Without Steven, that is. Fusing with a retreated gem "unlocks" their physical form, and they will gain their body back upon de-fusing (instead of retreating back into their gem). Just mantaining her form at all puts an immense strain on the gems and will leave them a bit winded when they split apart even if they don't do any fighting. You definitely don't want to find yourself on the wrong side of this Gem's bow. See her folder here for tropes regarding Crazy Lace Agate. The two fusions witness their fusees confront their negative feelings. They were forced together! Then you need a body that can turn into light. Just one question remains. Kept in temperature controlled, clean, and secure storage. When this happens, the constituent Gems risk losing touch with their individual personalities the longer the fusion persists. A massive fusion that rescued William Dewey from a giant sea monster and brought his boat to the land which would become Beach City. Garnet, it's revealed, is a permanent fusion of two gems named Ruby and Sapphire, who choose to stay together because they love each other so much. Fluorite and the rest of the Off Colors arrive on Earth but are shocked to see that the Diamonds are there. After Emerald threatens them, Fluorite tells Lars that the engines are all set, and Lars has the Rutile Twins pilot the ship into taking off in hyper-speed. Garnet is a fusion i.e., two Gems combining personalities and appearances as one shared holographic body formed by two Gems named Ruby and Sapphire, who choose to remain permanently fused out of love for each other. Garnet is voiced by Estelle, a British singer. It is unfaceted and ovular in shape, similar to the gemstones of, Fluorite's sixth unknown component's gemstone is located on her navel. Unleash the Light | Steven Universe Wiki | Fandom Because she is a cross-gem fusion, she is considered an Off-Color and her components were removed from Morganite's service. Left to right: Opal, Sugilite, Garnet, Stevonnie, and Smoky Quartz, with their components below. She is, as the episode name suggests, a Giant Woman. It comes in handy climbing the Diamond Mecha. http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Characters/StevenUniverseGemFusions. Another example of a stable de-fusion is in "Cry for Help" when Sardonyx de-fuses into a flash of light, leaving Garnet and Pearl holding each other. Same-Gem fusion was shown for the first time in "The Answer". steven universe fusions Tier List Maker chose your favourite fusions of steven universe. turning Pearl's spear and Garnet's gauntlets into the shaft and head of a giant pole hammer, though the more obvious star on her chest is up to date, a combination of the Crystal Gems' star and Homeworld's diamond, Dove Self-Esteem Project x Steven Universe, refers to Stevonnie with they/them pronouns.