I can't wait to learn more English, Warnings: talk of death | Word Count: 5,000. Now its time to send it. AO3: (tags) referenced torture, angst, hurt/comfort, meat on a stick. His thumb plays with her clit, pinching, flicking, rubbing, pulling. He ropes in the Cadre, and the video goes viral. Run by @thegreyj and @leiawritesstories: THE PROMPT BOX Text 4 Notes. Aelin hadnt stood there, star-struck and scrambling for her lip gloss and rolling up her uniform skirt. 441 Stories. Please consider turning it on! on hiatus. - in love with words The first of several moments weve all been waiting for. Aelin woke up at three in the morning. rowaelin- at least breathe between your bites, maybe? Aelin wrote for the fantasy genre as well but her books were more of the romantic kind. Rowan and Aelin (Rowaelin) are the two main characters in Sarah J. Maas' Y/A novels, Throne of Glass. The illegal fights his juvenile delinquent self brought her with him too, the way he slowly corrupted her, eroding ever so gently against the fierce walls surrounding her heart. Rowan Whitehorn had been the person who wrecked Aelin, torn her in half and then stitched her back together, but then ripped all the stitches out. Rowan was an author of epic fantasy, the gritty you have to be fully awake to keep track of kind. The introduction had occurred in their publishers office. Instead, behind the mahogany wood door, was a girl of maybe twenty, tear-streaked cheeks and a smile so cruel upon her lips that it drove boisterous, Im-a-big-now-and-fear-is-for-little-girls Aelin to run inside, calling for her dad and telling him there was a scary demon lady on the front steps. consequences of regrets - rowaelin month day twenty-nine. And if anyone who follows me has any others to add on, please feel free to comment them! For the next week, we will be carefully going through all of the wonderful prompts youve given us until we have it narrowed down to 30 prompts. That was the last time Aelin had saw her cheating, back-stabbing bastard of a father (until her high school graduation, where he offered a free education to her in a mocking tone and she accepted just so she could fuck with him, massively)/. The zip on it was rusty and faulty, the strings falling apart, cigarette burns on the sleeves. tag list:@rowaelinscourt@live-the-fangirl-life @rowaelinismyotp @rowanaelin@fireheartwhitethorn4ever@elentiyawhitethorn @autumnbabylon @leiawritesstories @backtobl4ck. This bad boy will then meet a good girl and corrupt her so, so sweetly, so, so softly. Rowan was an author of epic fantasy, the gritty you have to be fully awake to keep track of kind. Pain was good, she reminded herself. And I hope you guys will enjoy i 10 years have passed since the war against the Valg ended. @rowaelinprompts another one for the list. Almost subconsciously, her body arched harder into his, rasping his name and tangling her fingers into his hair. Her mother had stuck Aelin in the back seat, surrounded by boxes and suitcases and driven the hour it took to arrive at her uncle Gavriels house. None so well kept as that of them. Now, its our turn. Moments like when you realise youve been staring at the world through childhood-tinted glasses, seeing rainbows where there are only grey skies, seeing good people where there are only rotten souls. A/N: A little Rowaelin drabble for my girl @highqueenofelfhame because she's always giving us content and it's time she received! What might have happened had Rowan not panicked when Aelin first came onto him in QoS. A Court of Fae and Fanfics She had stepped up to that stage, ready to face the man who had made her and steal all that his heart could give her from his hands. Bridesmaid Proposal Quote Quotes She has it all except her partner in crime, the halo to her horns, the smile to her frown, the noise to silence, the heat to her cold. Please DO NOT REPOST my creations (art/edits/etc) Instagram: @rayonfrozenwings . Aelin allows her mind to drift to simpler times, to high school and the shit she and Rowan used to do or get into, all the crazy sleepless nights, all the adrenaline-filled afterparties. William Hurt: a magnetic, mischievous actor who invigorated Hollywood Please refrain from suggestions that inherently and unavoidably contain explicit or otherwise adult themes. Sort by: Hot. Aelin meets a stranger after she blunders at his house party. He is woken by the sound of leaves under foot, breaking branches. Moments like when you meet the person who youll never forget, that person who puts a smile on your face when youve only ever been able to frown, who hits you with all the tenderness of a hurricane, leaving you ruined (and soaking wet). thank you so much x, Prompt: Aelin gets hurt and Rowan gets protective. Were looking forward to seeing your suggestions! . Once we have the finalized prompt list, well be making another announcement. ), Follow the social and love life of our favorite boys on Throne of Glass! Its seconds before her wet cunt is clenching harshly around the thickness of his fingers, his name the only thing on her lips, the only thing she can think. Please notice that some scenes might be placed in more than one spot if they contain two combined classifications (ex. Shop unique custom made Canvas Prints, Framed Prints, Posters, Tapestries, and more. But none so well guarded as that of her and Rowan. Anonymous asked: I saw @writtenonreceipts hurt/comfort prompt list and stole one for here . 2.3k. Add in a few witches and fae and you've got yourself a disaster. rowaelin hurt comfort - madinahmining.com Mischief Managed [Rowaelin]: Aelin and Rowan try to keep their relationship a secret. Run by @thegreyj and @leiawritesstories, Writing letters to Santawith or without kids involved, Cooking holiday foods we only make this time of year, The first snowfall always brings back the memory of, Were stuck together in this cabin until the storm passes, We broke up but were still going on this trip because money is money, We broke up and Im asking someone else to go home with me for the holidays because I know my ex will be there with someone, Fake dating for the holidays because [ex] will be there, Our friends set us up under the mistletoe, My family invited an old friend for the holidays and theyre my first love, I hate singing carols but I will sing for you, My family invited someone I hate for the holidays, Accidentally slipping on ice and pulling the other down, You were coming home to me for the holidays, but, Dreaming of the perfect Christmas/other holiday. so idk how to work it i'm sorry, Aelin Ashryver Galathynius | Celaena Sardothien & Rowan Whitethorn. no fucking in the club - rowaelin month day three. Along the sleeves and the bottom of the hoodie lie burn marks, black and rough in comparison to the soft and light grey material of the clothing item. The second he had seen her, Rowan had thought back on just how fluidly that body moved when he fucked it, the way Aelins hips rocked heavily into his; the way her back arched high and dramatically; the way her toes pointed as a result of the high strung tension throughout her body; the way her legs flexed tenuously, her muscles evidently cut in her thighs; the way her arms stretched out, begging for more and more; the way her pussy gripped his cock in just the right way. Or if Helia Or if that little bundle of joy and sunshine didnt make it at all. Hi, hello, is this Sweet Understanding? An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works Then another death strikes a bit too close to home. Who was unconscious for all of this, I might add.. Masterlist . That would be us, your friendly administrative team here at Rowaelins Court! God. FanFic Masterpost Site rowaelin- at least breathe between your bites, The Office [Rowaelin]: Aelin and Rowan work in a boring office together. I do not own any of the characters When he catches her he is surprised by the lightness, the faint impression that her body leaves on his arms. But he didnt. Thanks for sending me a rowaelin prompt, tbh I really should write them more often! Aelin has been brutally tortured and captured by Maeve, the dark queen of the Fae. Hot New # 1. Everything starts to fall apart when Rowan and Aelin's daughter, Lyria, dies. tip: "uchiha sasuke/uzumaki naruto" angst kudos>10, Aelin Ashryver Galathynius | Celaena Sardothien & Rowan Whitethorn, Aelin Ashryver Galathynius | Celaena Sardothien/Rowan Whitethorn, Aelin Ashryver Galathynius | Celaena Sardothien, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, bro aelin and rowan are just horny i swear, Operation Ghost Leopard (Lysaedion Spy AU), Lysandra & Aelin Ashryver Galathynius | Celeana Sardothien, Aedion Ashryver & Aelin Ashryver Galathynius | Celaena Sardothien, Alternate Universe - After College/University, Alternate Universe - Roommates/Housemates, Aelin Ashryver Galathynius | Celaena Sardothien/Fenrys, The Cadre (Throne of glass) - Relationship, Alternate Universe - Throne of Glass Fusion, aelin deserves to be sexed down on a piano yall, also i know modern monarchies arent like this yall, i write it to fit the plot and be entertaining. feysand acotar feyre rhysand acomaf acowar sarahjmaas cassian azriel rowaelin nessian tog acourtofthornsandroses rhys acofas throneofglass aelin nesta amren sjm. You'd better be my bridesmaid, since you gave me the idea that led to this whole farce. Stood in the high school car park, a motorcycle he was not old enough to ride sat next to him, placing the helmet on the handlebars. Nothing would break them, and nothing would separate them. -Submit prompt suggestions for the 30 days of Rowaelin Month. There was a stigma attached to that and people like Rowan-holier-than-thou Whitethorn tended to look down their noses at such things. It is a collection of Oneshots from both is Sarah J Maas's series It is not. Well reblog prompts and answered prompts to this blog and our main blogs, so please share this with everyone! Maeve is defeated and Terrasen is saved, and Aelin can enjoy some peace and quiet with her mate. The prompts for the days will be available soon, but before that we wanted to share some ground rules to keep this event as fun and as happy as possible. Her mother, usually appearing to be a queen: dressed in fine jewellery and luxury fabrics, was dressed in leggings and sweater in need of donation to Goodwill, her eyes were tired, hair matted and cheeks red with an emotion Aelin hadnt wanted to know. Here it is! Anyway, kissies all around- Magee ~Multichapter~ . And thats when Rowans voice reached her Ae, you okay? Laying on the hill behind her sorry excuse for a house, clad in just her tiny cut off denim shorts and a faded bra, smoking a cigarette, no one would look at her and think she was going places. But then, she finds out she's pregnant and everything cha -------Takes place after EOS and ACOWAR------ Rowan Whitehorn had been bad fucking news when he was high school, hed seen Aelin, in all her blonde-haired, blue-gold-eyed glory and needed no more convincing. The first time Aelin had retreated to a ski resort for the Christmas period, shed been shocked. No, she and Rowan had three children of varied ages. Her father had, in fact, told Aelin to go into the garden, to close the glass French doors that led onto the massive expanse of wooden decking, concrete slab patio and grass lawn. "She looked at them, at the three males who meant everythingmore than everything. The employee she had been firing looked bewildered, and not at all scared until she showed him the concealed-carry permit she had. She loved her children, madly but a selfish part of her was relishing in them being more self sufficient small humans. Her face blanched, a strangled gasp escaping her as she read the words on it, printed in an all too familiar handwriting. Rowaelin Accessories for Sale | Redbubble Owning her lips, kissing them with a calm and casual confidence that had Aelin melting in his arms, clinging to his neck, digging half-moons into the skin of his back through his shirt. Prompt: Rowan and Aelin reunion with angst. . All of her friends are dead and grief is eating her up inside. Her dress was indecent, especially for a college graduation.