The table below shows the most common last names with statistics on the heritage and ancestry of those with the surname. The name is derived from the Middle High German word schaffen, which means to manage.. 1914-1918 War Surnames G to I - RootsWeb It is composed of the words rad meaning counsel or advice and mann meaning man., It means brave-hearted. It is composed of two Old German elements, namely ragin meaning counsel and hardt meaning brave.. Latinization of Agnes and Agnese. Bauer, Ingrid. The name denotes a fisherman. Von Blow also means one who lived on or near a hill and is most famous for the story of Claud von Blow in the Reversal of Fortune film. Popular Russian Boy Names - 1910 to 2021 - Mama Natural FamilyEducation does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. It was used for Franciscan monks who were often without shoes to honor their vow of poverty. Old German Names and Meanings - FamilyEducation It is a toponymic name for someone from any of the places around the mountain named Wallberg in Germany. Allard. 100 Popular German Last Names. Popular Names in Germany 1900 - Behind the Name It is a short form of a German personal name Aido, which probably derived from Eid meaning an oath.. Gnther is based on the same first name made up of gund, meaning battle, and hari, meaning army. It also means warrior and brother of Kriemhild in Norse. It is a toponymic name for someone from the place called Remlingen in Germany. The Latin Faustus means fortunate or lucky, so its all about how you look at things. Wyoming. Read for more information. Germany (GER) But by and large, these once-stylish surnames are currently neglected. Different pronunciation is indicated below the name. It is a toponymic name for people from several places called Dahme in Germany. Eve with Raisins French nude woman original old 1910-1920s photo Gnther - Common name that means "warrior". It is the German word for fork. It is an occupational surname for someone who was a seller or maker of all types of forks including pitchforks. It is a variant of the German word Schfer, which refers to a shepherd. Farley, (English Origin) Victorian-era last names meaning "fern woodland". Frankfurt/Main, Germany: Suhrkamp Taschenbuch, 1972. Germans often have two personal names, including a first and a middle name, so they have three. A few of these vintage surnames are now hits for girls, most notably Emerson and Palmer.. Germanic Genealogy Society - Search Surname Dr. Amos Grunebaum, MD, FACOG is a Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology, and among the world's leading authorities on fertility and pregnancy. Kraus - Means "curly-haired". Many German immigrants who came to the U.S. changed Braun to the English Brown. It is derived from the Middle High German word lower, which is an occupational name for a tanner. It is a toponymic surname for someone who lives along the river Oese in Germany. The following table shows the 200 most popular given names for male and female babies born during the 1900s. Check out these most popular baby names in Germany in the 1900s! Top 130 French Last Names or Surnames With Meanings - FirstCry Parenting It is the German word for sign, pointer or an indicator. It is an occupational name for a sign-maker. Ahlgren. About the author. Smith. The last name could, for example, also be what you would call a farm name. Deutsches Namenlexikon (German name dictionary). Klein - Means "person of small stature". Bauer, Ingrid. 25+ German Last Names That'll Have You Wishing For Oktoberfest When you shop through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. Schultz also means head of a village and originally appeared as schultheize. They collected dues to pay the lord of the manor. A Complete List of Russian Last Names - FamilyEducation Schuster was an occupational name for someone who made or repaired shoes. It comes from the Middle High German word trumpe meaning a drum and refers to someone who works as a drummer. It is derived from the name Humbert, which is composed of the Old German words hun meaning warrior and beraht meaning bright. It is an occupational name for a steward. To search, press CTRL-F on a PC, or -F on a Mac, then enter your last name. Get in touch! The name thus refers to a bright warrior., This toponymic German surname comes from the Middle High German word hurst meaning woodland.. For each rank and sex, the table shows the name and the number of occurrences of that name. Free shipping for many products! It is probably a toponymic name referring to someone who lived by a stream or a water body. It is a variant of Jan that comes from Jane, the feminine form of the name John. The name John comes from Hebrew and means god is gracious.. Ahlberg. Bergmann also means miner in German. Much like today, dozens of surname names made the American popularity charts 100 years ago. Abramson. Walberg is made up of the German wald, meaning rule and burg, meaning fortress. It also referred to a place called Wallberg. mike moore lawyer net worth on popular last names in the 1910s Phone Icon On Top Left Of Iphone , Charlotte Observer Legal Notices , Oldsmobile High Performance Engine Parts , Southern Nicknames Like Darling , Volleyball Gifts For Players , Grantham Train Station Phone Number , Another origin could be the Middle High German word lind, which means gentle or kind-hearted.. Common Dutch surnames. It comes from the Middle High German word riute meaning cleared land. Another origin could be the Middle High German word riutoere that could refer to a highwayman, a mounted soldier, and even a thief.. It is a variant name for Hendler, which is an occupational name for a merchant or a trader in Middle High German. Huber is common in southern Bavaria and is, with the exception of Munich, the most frequent name in that area. 100+ Top Noble Last Names With Meanings | Kidadl This post will give you a list of interesting German surnames with their meanings and origin. Information on our advertising guidelines can be found. Pfeiffer means whistler or fife-player. It uses the German root pfeife, meaning pipe, for someone whose song couldnt be ignored. 133 Swiss Baby Names & What They Mean | Peanut With this list of German last names, you can now learn more about the countrys diversity and history through its people. List of German monarchs - Wikipedia New Jersey, from 1906 to 1910 and 1915 to 1919. Clausen is a Danish patronymic last name and means "child of Claus.". This is a toponymic name for people who hail from a place called Palzing in the Bavarian region of Germany. It comes from the German backen, meaning to bake. Becker is so common it ranked 357th in the U.S. in 2010. Trapp also distinguishes a person from de Trap. Its better known as a German nickname for a simpleton. Did you ever wonder what the popular baby names were decades ago? Adams or Adamson is a popular British name of Hebrew origin. In fact, farming in North Germany grew to be a popular profession. It originates from the word Schleie that means tench, a kind of fish. Colding. The common names Schmidt and Schmitz lead in the central German-speaking and eastern Low German-speaking areas. Regional differences. British surnames such as Williams, Jackson, Robinson, Harris, Davis, Brown and Jones are also common among people of non-British descent, such as African Americans due to slavery. Adams/Adamson. List of names from Austria | Nameberry It is derived from the Middle High German word Kule, which means a quarry. It is a toponymic surname for one who lives by a quarry. However, many of these professions do not exist anymore, but the surnames still exist. Popular Names in Germany 1930 - Behind the Name Having done a certification in Relationship Coaching, her core interest lies in writing articles that guide couples through their courtship to marriage and parenthood. Werner also means the defending warrior. It was first a Medieval given name for boys. in German studies. But there are still regional differences. Accola. The English variation is Young, while the Chinese is Chong, which may be why its popular in several Asian countries. Family Education is part of the Sandbox Learning family of educational reference sites for parents, teachers, and students. Roth is the German version of a nickname for a red-haired person. Schulte derives from the Middle German schulthete, meaning village headman. A Schulte in Northwestern Germany is the steward of a large farm. Its an old surname existing in various territories, eventually becoming part of modern-day Germany. It comes from the German word kante meaning edge or corner. The name refers to someone who lives at the edge or a corner of a region or town. "The Top 100 German Surnames." How do you excavate the facts and figures you want to know about German family names without losing focus? Burton (English origin) means "fort settlement", a noble family name. Top names of the 1910s - Social Security Administration These last names are among the most popular ones in German culture. It comes from the German word gellen, which means a shrill sound or to yell. It was probably an occupational surname for a town crier. It comes from the German word palme, referring to any of the several palm and willow trees. 43. Its composed of the High German schuoch, meaning shoe and wrhte, meaning maker. In 2014, almost 75% of Schuberts were located in Germany. Felix: Meaning 'happy'. It is the German name for the bird Finch. The surname is originally considered to be a nickname for a lively and cheerful person. A Complete List of German Last Names + Meanings Its also a shorter form of the personal name Engelbert or Engelhard and a nickname for someone with an angelic personality. For each rank and sex, the table shows the name and the number of occurrences of that name. It is a variant of the name Pfeiffer, which is an occupational name for a pipe player since Pfeife means whistle or pipe in German. It is a spelling variant of Kandler, which is an occupational name for a potter. Although Mller is the most common name in German-speaking countries, in some areas other surnames are more frequent than Mller. It comes from the Middle High German word rat, which means counsel or advice. It is an occupational name for a counselor or an adviser. Desiderio: Meaning 'desired'. Top Vintage Surnames. Sepp (Joseph), Siegbert-Sigisbert, Siegfried, Siegmund-Sigismund, Stephan-Stefan, Tassilo, Theo(de)bald, Theoderich, Theodor, Thomas, Traugott, Waldemar-Woldemar, Waldo(short form for names beginning with "Wald-"), Walter, Wendelin, Werner (Wetzel), Wilhelm, Willibald, Wolfgang, Wolfram, Wolf (short form for names beginning with "Wolf-"), Adela-Adele, Adelgund, Adelheid (alheid), Adelind(e), Agathe-Agatha, Agnes, Alberte-Alberta-Albertine, Alma, Aloisia, Amalie-Amalia, Anna (Nanni, Nannette, Netti, Nina, Nan(n)on, Annette), Anselma, Antonie-Antoinette, Armgard, Auguste (Gusti), Aurelie, Barbara(Brbel, Betti, Babette), Bathild, Berta, Bett(ine), Brigitta-Brigida (Brida), Brunhild(e), Ccilie (Cilia, Zilli), Charlotte, Christine (Christel), Eberharde, Edelgard, Edeltr(a)ud, Edith, Eleonore, Elfriede, Elisabeth (Elise, Elsbeth, Else, Lise, Lisbeth), Elvira, Emilie, Emma (Imma, Emmi), Erika, Erm(en)gard, Ernestine-Ernesta (Erna), Eva, Franziska (Frnzel, Fanni), Ferdinande, Frieda (short form for names beginning with "Fried-"), Fried(e)rike, Gabriele (Gabi), Gebharde, Genoveva, Gerda (short forms for names with "gerd/gard"), Gertr(a)ud, Gisa, Gisela, Grete-Gretchen (Margerete), Gudrun, Gunthild(e), Gusti, Hanna, Hedwig, Helene (Nelli), Hermine, Herta, Hilde, Hildegard, Hildegund, Ida, Ingeburg, Irene, Irma (short form for names beginning with "Irm-"), Irm(en)gard, Isabella, Isolde (Isa), Johanna, Josepha, Josephine, Juliane-Juliane, Julie, Karla, Karoline, Katharina-Katharine, Kthe-Ktchen, Klara, Klothild(e), Kriemhild(e), Kunigund(e), Lamberta, Lene (Magdalene, Helene), Leonore, Leopolda-Leopoldine (Poldi), Liese-Lise-Lissi (Elisabeth), Ludwiga, Luise, Lu(i)tgard, Malwine, Margarete, Maria-Marie, Marianne, Martha, Mathilde-Mechthild, Meta (Margarete), Inna, Mitzi-Molli (Maria), Notburg(a), Paula, Philippine, Ploni (Appolonia), Priska, Resi (Theresia), Richarda, Rosa (Rosalie-Rosamunde), Rotr(a)ud, Ruperta, Selma, Sophie, Stanzi (Konstanze), Stasi (Anastasia), Susanne (Suse, Susi, Susschen), Thekla, Theresia-Therese, Tilde (Mathilde), Tine(Klementine, Florentine), Toni (Antonie), Trine (Katharina), Trude (short form for names with "-trud"), Wanda, Wendelgard, Wilhelma-Wilhelmine (Wilma), Winfriede. Top names of the 1920s - Social Security Administration It is derived from the name Volker. The name is a combination of the German words folk meaning people and heer meaning army. The name denotes someone who was a peoples guardian.. Salzberg is associated with many locations, like the German city of Salzburg. Bauer began as a nickname meaning neighbor or fellow citizen. Its taken from the Low German br, meaning an occupant of a small dwelling or building. You may know Jack Bauer best, the main character of the action TV series 24. If you're a lover of vintage names, check out these top picks from 100+ years ago. Berger was a name for a person who lived in the mountains or hills and was based on the root Berg, meaning hill. Berger is one of the more common German surnames on our list and ranked 881st in the U.S. in 2010. It is a combination of Middle High German words Eisen meaning iron and berg meaning mountain.. It is derived from the German word kuhn that means bold or brave.. Appendix:Norwegian given names - Wiktionary The name is derived from the Middle High German word schoup meaning a sheaf of grains. It makes it an occupational name for a brewer. Alternative Spellings & Variations: Rosamina, Rosamond, Rosamia, Rose, Rosie, Rosa. The noble Von Blow family comes from the Mecklenburg area. Most popular names from a list of several hundred, Adelbert-Adalbert-Albert-Albrecht, Adelhard, Adolf, Alfons, Alfred, Alois, Alwin, Andreas (Andre), Ar(e)nd, Arnold, Arnulf, Arno (short form for names beginning with "Arn-"), Anton, Aribert (Heribert), Armin, Arnold, Arnulf, Artur, August, Bartold-Bertold (Berto), Bernhard-Bernd, Benno-Berno (short form for names beginning with "Bern-"), Bernward, Bertram, Bertrand, Bodo-Botho, Burkhard (Borchert), Dagobert, Degenhard, Detlef (Dietleib), Dietrich (Dirk-Dierk), Eberhard (Ebert), Eckbert-Egbert, Eckbrecht-Egbrecht, Edgar, Edmund, Edward-Eduard, Edwin, Egmund-Egmont, Egon, Ehregott, Eilhard, Elimar (Elmo), Emil, Emmerich (Emmo), Engerbert, Engelhard, Erhard, Erich, Ern(e)st, Erwin, Eugen, Ewald, Felix, Ferdinand, Florian, Franz (Franziskus), Friedbert, Friedhelm, Friedo, Friedolin, Friedrich (Fritz), Frchtegott, Gebhard, Georg (Jrg, Jrgen, Goris), Gerald-Gerold, Gerbert, Gerhard (Gerd), Gottfried, Gotthard, Gotthold, Gottlieb, Gottschalk, Gtz (short form for names beginning with "Gott-"), Gregor, Gnter, Guntram, Gustav, Hans (Johannes), Harald (Herwald), Harduin-Hartwin, Harro, Hartmann, Heinrich (Heinz, Hinz, Henning), Helmut, Her(i)bert, Hermann (Harmen), Hermengild, Herward, Hil(de)bert, Horst, Hubert, Hugo, Humbert, Ildefons, Ingert, Ingo (short form for names beginning with "Ing-"), Ingomar, Irmbert-Ermbert, Jakob (Koppe,Jeppe), Joachim (achim, Jochem, Jochen), Johann(es), Jrg, Joseph/Josef (Sepp), Julius, Jrgen, Karl, Karlmann, Karsten (Christian), Klaus (Nikolaus), Klodwig (Chlodwig), Konrad (Kurt, Kord,Kunz), Kraft, Lambert-Lambrecht, Lebrecht, Leo, Leo(de)gar, Leonhard-Lienhard, Leopold, Luitpold, Lorenz, Lothar, Ludo, Ludolf, Ludwig (Lutz), Lukas, Manfred, Markward, Martin-Merten, Matthias, Maximilian, Medard, Meinhard, Mich(a)el, Moritz, Neidhard, Niklas, Nikolaus (Klaus, Klas), Norbert, Odilo, Oskar, Oswald, Oswin, Otwin, Otfried, Odo, Otto, Ottokar, Otwin, Raban, Reinald-Reinhold-Reginald, Reiner, Reinhard, Richard, Rigobert, , Roderich, Roland, Romnold-Rumold, Rdiger-Rdeger, Rudolf-Rudo-Rudi-Rolf, Rupert-Ruprecht.