Is your daughter home? Meat. Knock, knockWhos there?TankTank who?Youre welcome. 5. Truth Or Dare Questions Thatll Have You Red With Laughter And Embarrassment, The Steamiest Free Literotica-Style Online Erotica We Can Find. 164 Best Rabbit Jokes That Are So Bunny - O-hand Dirty and Funny Knock Knock Jokes And the classic knock knock jokes will not be missed. When your boyfriend is using some corny puns on you, why not join in? Foreskin who? Knock, knockWhos there?YaYa who?No thanks, I use Bing or Google. Iguana.Iguana who? Who's there Stop crying, you pussy. Knock knock!Whos there?Khan.Khan who?Khan-dome broke! Who's there? 19. Who's there? 7. Anita! Dewey! Knock Knock.Whos there?Do you want two CDs?Do you want two CDs who?Do you want to CDs nudes? 1. Willis! Dirty Knock Knock Jokes; What Are Dirty Jokes? Al who? Ewwwwwww. Read next:74 Inspiring Captions and Quotes for 20th Birthday. Shhh, nobody else knows this, except you and me. Whos there? Budweiser who? Knock, knock,Whos there?Olive.Olive who?Olive next door. The waitress. The cookie is set by GDPR cookie consent to record the user consent for the cookies in the category "Functional". 4. Knock, knock. Knock, knockWhos there?A little old ladyA little old lady who?Wow, I didnt know you could yodel! Whos There? Hence, in the next list, we share some best ones that you could share with anyone without thinking too much. 47+ Countries Nigerians can visit without a Visa, 100+ Yo Mama Jokes You Cant Help But Laugh At, 10 Foods That Can Help You Grow A Bigger Butt Naturally, How to make soft Chapati A Step-by-Step Guide. Today we are going to bring you something t. Ben Dover. All Im wishing for is to see you as my partner. Knock knock! Pasta, who? 25 Knock Knock Jokes That Are Genuinely Funny Compiled by Robert Liwanag, Reader's Digest Canada Updated: May 05, 2022 It's no surprise the knock knock joke has lasted nearly 100 yearsits countless set-ups and punchlines have made people laugh the world over! New; Popular; Random; Dirty Knock Knock Jokes. Howie who? Tara who? Knock, knockWhos there?AmishAmish who?Really, youre a shoe? Knock, knock. The great thing about this joke is they are so perfectly fit for any situation. Dirty Baseball Jokes. Whos there? Deal With a Friend Who Has Changed. Knock knockWhos there?Pileup!Pileup who (pile of poo)?Ewwwwwww26. SaltT.Nuts, Whos there? 50 Flirty Knock-Knock Jokes: Cute, Cheesy & Romantic Baby owl who? Dragon who? Dirty jokes tend to be of sexual nature, make use of coarse language and can be offensive. Up your wazoo! Knock Knock.Whos there?fire!fire who?Its not that bad,I just need someone to blow me. Party Girl - Knock-Knock Who's there? You may have come across many dad and similar jokes, but when it comes to such knock-knock puns, theres not a better match. Europe who? Knock knockWhos there?Nicholas!Nicholas who?Nickolas (Knicker less) girls shouldnt climb trees.28. 20. Knock, knock!Whos there?Asshole!Asshole who!Open the door and find out, asshole! 31. School your ass Knock, knockWhos there?HikeHike who?I didnt know you liked Japanese poetry! Knock KnockWhos there?KissKiss who?Kiss me! Woz who? Knock, knock!Whos there?CantaloupeCantaloupe who?Cantaloupe to Vegas, youre too young!36. Knock, knockWhos there?HoneybeeHoneybee who?Honeybee a dear and open up will you? Anita who? now = new Date(); year = now.getYear(); Lets make some noise! Ketan P. is a head writer and founder of 'Monk at 25', he also writes for multiple lifestyle blogs. Knock, knock.Whos there?I eat mop.I eat mop who?You eat your poo?! These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc. Please pray for who? 39. These cookies track visitors across websites and collect information to provide customized ads. Andy. Whos there? Justin who? Eat mop who? We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Pileup! 11. Fuck you said who? Knock Knock Jokes That Are So Dumb - Our Feelings Girl: You don't get the joke. Who's there? Can I come in who? When where. Whos there? Amos who? A yam so wet for you right now. Amanda. Whos there? The one you stole from my bag this morning. Al. Centipede. Waiter. Knock, knockWhos there?SwedenSweden who?Sweden sour chicken! Who's There? 47. Those are the biggest tits I ever seen. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Knock, Knock!Whos There?Budweiser!Budweiser who?Budweiser mother taking her clothes off! Knock knock,whos there?Cam,Cam who?Camel toe, can I borrow some pants? Love sharing with your friends and family? Asshole! If you're looking for some hilarious and unique jokes to share to have just fun . Knock, knock.Whos there?Waiter.Waiter who?Just waiter I get my hands on you. Who's there? Help madam finger is stuck in the door. Boss bank who? Tara who? The animals worked tirelessly, until finally, the joke telling day came. Who's There? I da hoe? Knock knock,whos there?Idaho,Idaho who?No! For more up-to-date information, sign up for our Ivana. Uh, oh, Khan-dom broke! Izzy Data test tube in your pocket or are you just happy to see me? Entertainment 30 Dirty Knock-Knock Jokes That Definitely Aren't for Kids If these off-color gags don't make you giggle, you're officially more mature than us. These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously. Knock knock Ben Hur over and give it to her doggy style! Nicholas! Waiter. 11. Ben Hur. 15. Budweiser! My right nut. Who's There? Read next:Creative Bumble Bio Ideas for Guys. Whos there? Are you from the Thailand, cause tonight your going to BangKok. Jamaican. Weirdly, I've been taking some anti-impotence medication for my sunburn. Howie who? 36. Knock, knock.Whos there?Disguise.Disguise who?Disguise your boyfriend? Tonight, my place, you and me. Ivana. Knock, knockWhos there?IcingIcing who?Icing so loudly so everyone can hear me! Knock Knock.Whos there?Idaho,Idaho who?No! I Helda dick. Here is a listing of some knock knock . But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. Stop crying, you pussy. Ben Hur who? Plus, if youre in search of some good jokes, funny tinder pick up lines for hookups, or to share while online chatting with someone, you better have some good ice-breaking lines or gags to spark your conversation. Im just thinking about you. Is your daughter home? Knock, knockWhos there?OrangeOrange who?Orange you glad I didnt say banana? Lisa you could do is help me get these pants off. Knock knock Dont get us wrong, dirty knock-knock jokes are still groaners, but theyre groaners that also make you blush. Little boy blue. Dirty Knock Knock Jokes - Knock Knock Jokes - Who's there? Knock Knock! Some asshole talking to a knock knock joke. Knock knock,whos there?How could you forget my name after last night? Knock, knockWhos there?TennisTennis who?Tennis five plus five! Read next:76 Alternative Ways to Say Goodnight, Read next:149 Ways To Describe Yourself in 5 Words or fewer words. Knock, knockWhos there?DoctorDoctor who?No, no, just the doctor. Read next:Funny Who is Most Likely To Questions for Friends. Hop on dis dick. Required fields are marked *. Knock knock,whos there?Im poor knee,Im poor knee who?I guess we have to do something about that, 21. Knock knock,whos there?Mike,Mike who?Mike Litoris. May I come in who? Knock Knock Knock Knock Knock knock! Justin 9. Dirty knock knock jokes may make more sense when you tell them to your adult friends. . Nicholas! Whos there? Knock, Knock! The great thing about a dirty knock-knock joke is that it's almost always unexpected. But, what makes these dirty jokes so loved is the fact that they are humorous without being offensive. Knock KnockWhos there?AnnieAnnie who?Annie way you can let me in? By subscribing to this BDG newsletter, you agree to our. Knock, knock.Whos there?Jamaican.Jamaican who?Jamaican me horny. AnitaP.Ness. Knock knock!Whos there?Ivan.Ivan who?Ivan to do something naughty with you. Tara McClosoff Knock, knockWhos there?OscarOscar who?Oscar silly question and get a silly answer! Willis dick fit in your mouth? Ben down and lick my boots! Knock knock Knock knock, who's there? Nicholas! Ben Hur who? Gladiator during the three-some. Nah, I dont expect anyone to be here other than you. Knock, knock.Whos there?Asshole!Asshole who!Open the door and find out, asshole! 12. Whos there? Dewey have to use a condom? A knock knock joke is just a form of a joke, probably the best known format of the pun, and it is a period-honored "call and response" exercise. As the name implies, these jokes simulate an actual scenario where a person knocks on the front door. 41. Who's there? Knock, knockWhos there?DoubleDouble who?W! Knock-knock jokes for when you first meet To kick off our list of flirty knock-knock jokes, let's dial it back to the beginning stages of every relationship. Knock KnockWhos there?Orange!Orange who?Orange you stunning. Knock, knock!Whos there?Oman.Oman who?Oman, you are cute! Phil McCrackin (you can also use Phil McCreviss) Read next:Hey You Quotes To Light-up Your Mood. Knock knock! Yes, there's an art to it. Whos there? Last Updated on November 8, 2022 by Michele Tripple. A dedicated, inspiring and mindful blog for 20s, By 20s. How many Billy Bob Joe Pennies do you know? School. Knock, knockWhos there?TheodoreTheodore who?Theodore wasnt opened so I knocked. 1. Whos There? Gordon who? Whos there? 55 Dirty Knock Knock Jokes - Ponly daily newsletter. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Knock knock!Whos there? 2022 Galvanized Media. 55 Hilarious Knock-Knock Jokes - Family Knock-Knock Jokes - Country Living 45 Dirty Jokes To Make You Laugh - PsyCat Games 50 Best Dirty Knock Knock Jokes 1. We Dive Into The Science. All the animals were gathered in a great assembly. Knock, KnockWhos there?CandiceCandice who?Candice door open or am I stuck out here? Ready to make a great first. Waiter who? I suck Who Health . 7) Flirty Knock Knock Jokes for Crush or Your Partner. Boy: Who's there. Along with that, you can also ask some flirty and dirty would you rather questions to your partner when alone. I am not a poo how dare you. I heard you had some cavities that needed filling. 31. News . Ida comfort you a long time ago if Id known how hot you are. Who's there? It's a task-play exercise, having a punter plus a recipient of wit. 50 Flirty Knock Knock Jokes to Make Them Blush! Get . Me!. Whos there? A mosquito bit me! Knock, knockWhos there?uncomfortable silence who? Knock, knockWhos there?ConradConrad who?Conrad-ulations! Uganda's First Satellite Launches Into Space Today! Jamaican me horny. Who's there? ), 26 Things You Shouldnt Say On A First Date. 8) Cheesy Knock Knock Jokes Pick up Lines. Hahahahaha From the cheeky to the downright outrageous, these jokes will have everyone in stitches! This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Knock, knockWhos there?AbeAbe who?Abe-C-D-E! 35. Whos there? Below is a graduated list of adult themed dirty knock knock jokes. Knock, knockWhos there?SaysSays who?Says me, thats who! Im bored! Whos there? Europe. Willis be the first time I kiss you? Whos there? King Henry, the second the queen leaves, well bring in the girls! Knock, knock Who's there? Gross!9. 30 Flirty Knock-Knock Jokes | Cute, Corny Love Jokes for Your Sweetie Dragon deez nuts across your face when you let me in. Knock Knock.Whos there? You da ho! Knock knock,whos there?Gordon,Gordon who?Gordon Rams Me, 48. May I come in who? You may remember these and personalize them in your own manner to make them appear unique and special. Ben Knock, knockWhos there?CandiceCandice who?Candice joke get any worse?! Knock knock Ivan who? It should be naughty without being offensive. Some who? Knock, Knock! Knock knock,whos there?Hugh,Hugh who?Hugh G. Rection, 39. Its just a joke. Yo mama yanking on my dick. Whos there? Dozer who? Last updated on November 11th, 2022 at 04:12 pm. There's a new alarming warning about this popular dog food brand. Hugh G. Rection. I just needed the tip! Please never leave you alone, Im scared outside. Who's There? Open the door and find out asshole! Aldo! Knock, Knock! Foreskin! Justin time to Wipe my ass. Get updates on new posts directly to your inbox! 21. How many Billy Bob Joe Pennies do you know?35. Sleep with an Eyemask on. Knock knock! Pileup who (pile of poo)? Knock knock,whos there?master,master who,master baiter, 2. Ice cream. Ivanna Seymour. Al! Whos there? Willis dick fit in your mouth? Knock, knock!Whos there?Bull.Bull who?Bullshitter!7. Prepare to laugh with the 101 best knock knock jokes for kids. 15. Foreskin who? Bangkok! I eat mop. If you are not in the mood to try that either, then dont worry. Ice cream for you all night long. Willis! Read next:Cute Bumble Bios for Girls for a Perfect Match. 2. Gordon. Howie who? Some are flirty, some a tad bit dirty (don't worry, nothing the kids can't see) and all of them are bound to make you. Bo-Ho Who? Alpha Cure Mom. Party Girl - Pasta Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. Ben hur up! Whos there? Budweiser who? Centipede (Santa peed) on the Christmas tree. 18. Meat my dick! Foreskin who? Knock-knock jokes make you sound funny and sincere at the same time, so they're a perfect way to break the ice or flirt. 45 Yo Mama Jokes That Are Absolutely Savage (Yet So Funny!) - TheCoolist Read next:143 Cute Ways to Say I LOVE YOU Without Saying It. Last time you loved my nuts, Hope you want them again? fire!, fire who? Here are some of the best we have so far. 25 HILARIOUS Knock Knock Jokes That Will Crack You Up From our childhood to teenage years, then into adulthood, these gems are responsible for a lot of laughter and a few pity chuckles. 1. Mayan Ipples are so hard right now. Knock knock! Whos there? Andy. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Whos there? 101 Funny Knock Knock Jokes for Kids and Adults Justin. Share with others at your own risk. The Best Knock-Knock Jokes the Internet Has to Offer. Knock, knockWhos there?BooBoo who?Uh, why are you crying? Dewey! Whos there? May I come in? email addresses were disqulified from the list and couldn't be sent. Knock, knockWhos there?DishesDishes who?Dishes the police, open up! Hop on who? Anita who? 41 Hilarious Dirty Jokes to Laugh Your Heart Out (NSFW) - Witty Companion Whos there? Who's There? Parton who? Whos there? yo mama Knock, knock. Dirty Knock Knock Jokes Back to: Knock Knock Jokes Follow @quickjokes Knock, Knock! Who's there? Who's there? Photo: Shutterstock / Knock, knock. When you are looking for some new childrens knock-knock jokes that will surely give your kids a good laugh, here are some. Knock knock,whos there?Justin,Justin who?Justin time for something naughty, 20. Knock Knock.Whos There?Ben HurBen Hur who?Ben Hur over and give it to her doggy style! Whos there? dirty knock knock Jokes - Best Jokes and Puns Who's There? Fuck you said. In you, obviously, thats why you call me, Right? Knock knock,whos there?Dill,Dill who?Dill Dough, 51. Jenny Tull Who? Knock knock,whos there?Mike,Mike who?Mike Weiner, 13. Who's there? 2023 BDG Media, Inc. All rights reserved. Who's there? Bull. Disguise. Some. Jamaican who? Knock, knock.Whos there?Some!Some who?Some asshole talking to a knock knock joke.6. To display your contact list, you must sign in: 25 Best Why Did the Chicken Cross the Road Jokes. Whos there? Knock, knockWhos there?Lettuce.Lettuce who?Lettuce in or well break down the door! Khan! These funny knock knock jokes are great for kids, but good (and bad) enough to make adults laugh. Your email address will not be published. 27. Meat who? Knock knock!Whos there? You da hoe! 25 Knock Knock Jokes That Are Genuinely Funny - Reader's Digest Canada Khan who? Tanaka you up! Helda dick who? Someone who will get you laid. Nicholas who? Whos there? Whos there? Knock knock! Anita who? Knock-knock jokes were never out of trend and people still love and appreciate them, every now and then. Who's There? Knock knock,whos there?the mechanic,the mechanic who?I heard you wanted a rim job, 14. Knock, knockWhos there?LukeLuke who?Luke through the keyhole and see! Here are 30 bawdy and off-color favorites. Whos there? Foreskin! 44. Justin who? 38. Knock knock. 275+ Best Knock Knock Jokes If you feel the knock-knock jokes become old and money gives them enough attention then you are wrong. Urine Who? 6. Who's There? Boy Who's there? Share with others at your own risk. 9.1) Final thoughts. Relationships . HOW DARE YOU. Two men broke into a drugstore and stole all the Viagra. Condom who? Who's there? Knock, knockWhos there?EuropeEurope who?No, youre a poo! Grislybuzz has credible trending news from around the world, travel news, DIY hacks, food recipes, essential insights and more. yo mama who? You always hope for that one smile that your crush passes at you, right? Knock, knock,Whos there?CanoeCanoe who?Canoe come and play? Justin who? 3. Whos there? I would have knocked but the doorbell was at waist height, Whos there? ), or just manually add the email addresses you'd like to keep in your contact list. Knock Knock Willis who? 30 Dirty Knock-Knock Jokes That Definitely Aren't for Kids, For more up-to-date information, sign up for our Iguana. Who's There? Knock, knockWhos there?HowardHoward who?Howard I know? Knock, knockWhos there?AliceAlice who?Alice so quiet. Knock Knock Knock, knock jokes are usually silly and nonsensical. Knock, knockWhos there?CargoCargo who?Cargo beep, beep and vroom, vroom! Knock, Knock! daily newsletter. -Nobel who? Let us know which new knock knock jokes from the list are your favorite ones? We are sure, there must be more than two or four. Madam who? Knock, knock.Whos there?Dewey!Dewey who?Dewey have a condom handy? Whos there? Justin who? Whos there? Knock knock!Whos there? Yep, those too. Knock knock!Whos there?Ivana.Ivana who?Ivana kiss your lips off.20. Read next:Best Things To Do When Bored Alone At Home, Read next:Great List of Two Truths And A Lie Examples. Dwayne who? Home 50 Flirty Knock Knock Jokes to Make Them Blush! Condom who? Myra who? Knock, knock.Whos there?School.School who?School your ass. Whos there? Mike Oxlong 3. Knock Knock These Knock Knock Jokes are so naughty that you will thank us later. My right nut. Knock knock,whos there?Tex,Tex who?It Tex two to tango. Ivanna Seymour Butts. Whos there? 27. The great thing about a dirty knock-knock joke is that its almost always unexpected. Knock, knock.Whos there?Bacon.Bacon who?Bae, can you give me a kiss? Knock, knockWhos there?IranIran who?Iran all the way here!