{label: "What do I need to do to comply with the citizenship/legal presence requirement? You may list your maiden name in the appointed section of the application. No. 75. filter: function(term, source){ ", slug: "what-must-be-reported-concerning-discipline-by-another-state-board-of-nursing", permalink: "https://www.abn.alabama.gov/faq/what-must-be-reported-concerning-discipline-by-another-state-board-of-nursing/"}, {label: "How long is the license period once it is issued? Your school of nursing must be approved by the board of nursing of the state where it is located and the parent institution of the nursing program must be accredited by an organization recognized by the US Department of Education. ", slug: "how-do-i-find-out-my-nclex-results", permalink: "https://www.abn.alabama.gov/faq/how-do-i-find-out-my-nclex-results/"}, Alabama law does not allow for licensure as an LPN based on the partial completion of an RN program. {label: "How do I get a Temporary Permit? {label: "What English Proficiency Exams are accepted by the ABN? {label: "What happens if I forgot my credit card payment or used another card (family/friend) to pay for my license fee and a dispute was filed for the fee and charge to be taken back from the ABN? Required continuing education requirement hours may include: License renewal requirement periods, fees snd contact education hours that are specifically required by the board of nursing in your state may vary from other states. Contact Your State Board of Nursing- Because the process behind reinstating an RN license varies from one state to the next, the first step is to contact your state board of nursing to see what you have to do. Use eCheck, Visa, MasterCard, American Express and Discover for online payments. Review the requirements and the step-by-step guide below. ", slug: "how-can-i-pay-my-application-fee-to-the-board", permalink: "https://www.abn.alabama.gov/faq/how-can-i-pay-my-application-fee-to-the-board/"}, ", slug: "may-i-be-issued-a-temporary-permit-while-i-earn-ce-hours-for-reinstatement", permalink: "https://www.abn.alabama.gov/faq/may-i-be-issued-a-temporary-permit-while-i-earn-ce-hours-for-reinstatement/"}, {label: "What if my name is different from the one I am listed as with the ABN? evt.preventDefault(); {label: "Why is my license listed as revoked when I voluntarily surrendered it? Expired Nursing License: What Do I Do? - Nursing CE Central {label: "May I apply for reinstatement before earning the contact hours? ", slug: "what-if-my-name-is-different-from-the-one-i-am-listed-as-with-the-abn", permalink: "https://www.abn.alabama.gov/faq/what-if-my-name-is-different-from-the-one-i-am-listed-as-with-the-abn/"}, Examples of rehabilitation evidence include, but are not limited to: Court-issued certificate of rehabilitation or evidence of expungement, proof of compliance with criminal probation or parole, and orders of the court. You must submit a detailed written explanation of the circumstances surrounding the event(s) which you aredisclosing on your application. 16 RENEWAL OF LAPSED, EXPIRED ALC OR LPC LICENSE RENEWAL For information and forms to renew lapsed or expired ALC or LPC license, contact the office of the Alabama Board of Examiners in Counseling 205 458-8716 or 1 800 822-3307. this.value = ''; ALL applications for reinstatement include: Please do not submit any supporting documentation (transcripts, CE, or citizenship) before the. This may include limitations on future authorizations for Advanced Practice Nursing. The Alabama Board of Nursing enforces the Nurse Practice Act and rules and regulations in the Alabama Administrative code to maintain public safety. }); jQuery(document).ready(function() { However, The ABN will not issue a license until a copy of your social security card has been received by the ABN. License Renewal Fees Section 333.16201 (2) of the Michigan Public Health Code states, "A license or registration not renewed by the expiration date may be renewed within 60 days of the expiration date upon application, payment of renewal, and late renewal fees, and fulfillment of any continued competency or continuing education requirements . return item.name; ", slug: "will-it-help-to-call-and-check-on-the-status-of-my-application", permalink: "https://www.abn.alabama.gov/faq/will-it-help-to-call-and-check-on-the-status-of-my-application/"}, You do not have to earn CE from a provider approved by the ABN in order for the CE to be eligible for the reinstatement application. ", slug: "how-long-is-the-license-period-once-it-is-issued", permalink: "https://www.abn.alabama.gov/faq/how-long-is-the-license-period-once-it-is-issued-2/"}, Payment is accepted electronically via credit or debit card in the online application which may be found here. ", slug: "must-i-submit-copies-of-my-ce-certificates", permalink: "https://www.abn.alabama.gov/faq/must-i-submit-copies-of-my-ce-certificates/"}, {label: "How to verify an Alabama nurse’s license? The data included on License Lookup is not exhaustive and does not include all needed information for endorsement of your Alabama nursing license into another state. {label: "What type of documentation do I need to submit in support of my application if I have a prior criminal record or license discipline? ", slug: "what-if-i-took-the-nclex-in-another-state", permalink: "https://www.abn.alabama.gov/faq/what-if-i-took-the-nclex-in-another-state/"}, window.open(faq.permalink, '_self'); ", slug: "how-many-ce-hours-will-i-need-to-reinstate-my-license", permalink: "https://www.abn.alabama.gov/faq/how-many-ce-hours-will-i-need-to-reinstate-my-license/"}, //browse to faq Contactinformation is on the form. CNA License in Nevada Felonies and misdemeanors should be reported. The CES Education Report is not the same as the CGFNS Certification Program, which is typically completed prior to receiving the first U.S. state nursing license. No. source: faqs, if(0) { The licensee did not submit a license renewal application prior to January 31, 2016. {label: "I am currently revoked. {label: "What documentation will I have to submit if I have to answer Yes to a Regulatory Question? var faq = faqs[i]; var faqs = [ There is no option to select use of the maiden name in lieu of the middle name on the application. To renew an expired or inactive license, contact the state board of nursing and submit your request. ", slug: "may-i-be-issued-a-temporary-permit-if-i-dont-have-an-active-license-in-any-jurisdiction", permalink: "https://www.abn.alabama.gov/faq/may-i-be-issued-a-temporary-permit-if-i-dont-have-an-active-license-in-any-jurisdiction/"}, If you failed to renew your license during the renewal period (annually between September 15 and October 31), you must meet all of the reinstatement requirements. {label: "When do I re-apply if I failed NCLEX? ", slug: "what-may-a-nursing-graduate-do-in-a-facility-agency-until-he-she-receives-a-temporary-permit", permalink: "https://www.abn.alabama.gov/faq/what-may-a-nursing-graduate-do-in-a-facilityagency-until-heshe-receives-a-temporary-permit/"}, Nurses with revoked licenses must reinstate and satisfy any encumbrances or conditions of reinstatement, prior to applying for multistate licenses. No, insurance rarely pays, unless the individual is still actively seeking treatment for the condition. COVID-19: Occupational Licensing During Public Emergencies If you failed to renew your licenses during the renewal period (annually between September 15 and October 31), you must meet all of the reinstatement requirements. Once youve had an Alabama license, you always have an Alabama license. You . Reinstatement of APN approval is a two-step process AFTER the RN license is Active. If you are a current single state licensee in Alabama, please complete the SSL to MSL application, which is available in the My Profile section. Montgomery, AL 36130-3900. Board of Nursing - Missouri {label: "How do I register for the NCLEX exam? Access the Application for Licensure by Endorsement. {label: "How can I pay my application fee to the Board? You must report . After updated credentialing is complete, some nurses chose to take a Nurse Refresher Course. Neuropsychological and cognitive testing, drug testing, and any other testing deemed appropriate by the evaluation team may also be included. An affirmative response will result in an inability to continue with the application. PDF APPLICATION FOR REINSTATEMENT - South Carolina However, if you manually entered CE that you earned from a non-ABNP, you must submit certificates for those hours. Applications are processed on a first-in, first-out basis. ", slug: "may-i-use-my-nursing-program-college-course-work-as-my-24-contact-hours-of-ce", permalink: "https://www.abn.alabama.gov/faq/may-i-use-my-nursing-program-college-course-work-as-my-24-contact-hours-of-ce/"}, If previously disciplined by the Alabama Board of Nursing, you should state the action taken against you. Follow the outlined steps: Go to the Alabama Board of Nursing web site, www.abn.alabama.gov. ", slug: "what-are-the-basic-requirements-of-all-other-applicants", permalink: "https://www.abn.alabama.gov/faq/what-are-the-basic-requirements-of-all-other-applicants/"}, {label: "If I earned CE on my Temporary Permit may I use that toward my next license renewal? Please visit the Pearson Vue web site at http://www.pearsonvue.com/nclex/. In California you may renew your license for up to eight years if you pay the appropriate delinquent fees and complete 30 approved hours of continuing education. jQuery('html, body').animate({scrollTop: $requestedFaqAnchor.offset().top-subtract_scrolling}, 300); the health of the public through {label: "What do I need to have my Nursing Program submit to the Board? ", slug: "do-i-need-to-take-specific-courses-in-order-to-reinstate-such-as-a-refresher-course-or-college-courses", permalink: "https://www.abn.alabama.gov/faq/do-i-need-to-take-specific-courses-in-order-to-reinstate-such-as-a-refresher-course-or-college-courses/"}, If applicable to your crime or discipline, documented evidence of professional treatment and counseling you may have completed. source: faqs, resultFormatter: function(r){ return ("
" + r + "
"); }, ATTENTION: LICENSING DIVISION Nursing procedures and activities that are permitted in the nursing education program under the direct supervision of nursing faculty are not allowed in the workplace. Alabama.gov | The Official Website of the State of Alabama RN and APRN Reinstatement - Kentucky Board of Nursing You may not be able to renew your license online in some states, such as Arkansas, if it has been expired for more than five years. To upgrade a license, a licensee must complete the upgrade application, submit the $100 fee, and complete a Livescan, criminal background check, no more than 90 days prior to the submission of the upgrade application. {label: "Why does the application ask about my citizenship? {label: "How long is the license period once it is issued? Also, if you earn additional CE from an ABNP after you submit your reinstatement application, please notify the ABN in order to have the newly earned CE reviewed as part of your application. Meet the requirements for nursing program content employed as criteria for approval in Alabama at the time of the applicants graduation. Use My Signature to create a unique signature. ", slug: "what-do-i-have-to-do-if-i-am-applying-for-licensure-by-endorsement-if-i-am-a-graduate-of-a-foreign-international-nursing-program", permalink: "https://www.abn.alabama.gov/faq/what-do-i-have-to-do-if-i-am-applying-for-licensure-by-endorsement-if-i-am-a-graduate-of-a-foreign-nursing-program/"}, {label: "What can a nursing graduate do in a facility/agency with a temporary permit? Each state has a nursing board, so contact the board in your state to find out how to reactivate your expired nursing license. }).sort(function(a, b){ return b.value - a.value }); ", slug: "how-long-does-it-take-to-get-a-license", permalink: "https://www.abn.alabama.gov/faq/how-long-does-it-take-to-get-a-license-2/"}, You will be notified of your error with instructions to pay the required fee. The Board has no control over the costs of the Evaluation performed by healthcare agencies. Your state of residence is whatever is on your drivers license. An individual under the age of 18 may be employed as a nurse aide in a nursing home or health care facility provided employment is compliant with the Youth Employment Standards Act, 1978 Public Act 90. . be of good moral character. ", slug: "will-my-license-or-other-correspondence-from-the-abn-be-forwarded", permalink: "https://www.abn.alabama.gov/faq/will-my-license-or-other-correspondence-from-the-abn-be-forwarded/"}, The license period is for two years based upon the renewal cycle of the license. {label: "Do I have to have a Social Security Number to apply for licensure by examination? This is not true. If you are expired no longer than 2 years, you must apply for reinstatement. {label: "Must I have a Comprehensive Evaluation if I completed Drug Court (or some other deferred prosecution-type program)? My license has expired. What can I do to reinstate it? - Alabama ListSev Email License Lookup Fines / Fees Licensee Roster Duplicate CE Card Public Records Request Contact Us jQuery(this).trigger('lostFocus'); Fingerprint information can be found here. break; ", slug: "how-do-i-know-if-i-am-supposed-to-request-a-verification-of-my-original-licensure-from-nursys", permalink: "https://www.abn.alabama.gov/faq/how-do-i-know-if-i-am-supposed-to-request-a-verification-of-my-original-licensure-from-nursys/"}, ", slug: "do-i-have-to-have-any-ce-to-reactivate-my-license", permalink: "https://www.abn.alabama.gov/faq/do-i-have-to-have-any-ce-to-reactivate-my-license/"}, Customer Service. {label: "Should I have an application on file with the recipient before requesting the verification? If you are unsure how much CE you are required to demonstrate, you may request that this information be communicated to you when you submit your request for an Actively Deployed Application. You must complete and submit the appropriate form and supporting documentation to the Board. You must submit documentation of having earned twenty-four (24) contact hours of CE within the past twenty-four (24) months. ", slug: "may-i-get-a-refund", permalink: "https://www.abn.alabama.gov/faq/may-i-get-a-refund/"}, {label: "Will I need verification of licensure from another state where Ive been licensed? For example, if you were licensed as an LPN in Alabama and were subsequently licensed as an RN in another state, you would need to endorse your RN license into Alabama. {label: "What information do I need to provide to document drug screening results? {label: "What if I was an Advanced Practice Nurse (APN) when I was actively deployed and I want to reinstate that approval as well? After entering the site, select the Alabama Nursing Resource Center, then select the Nursing CE tab. {label: "How do I know if the CE is acceptable? Nurses may not apply by endorsement, but only by renewal.