Other wise, get over me. Georgie Silvarole/USA TODAY Network New York, Shawn Dowd/Rochester Democrat and Chronicle, Your California Privacy Rights/Privacy Policy. The media exaggerated a lot and the jokes were cruel = but where is Denny Shaeffer, the saved one, now? But, according to the Bible, he does preach on tithing and giving. None. Pastor Michael is, despite his lack of formal education, one of the most intelligent men I have ever known. Yes, all these incidents do subtract from the validity of his message. and Jesus says I never knew you, you workers of iniquity. . Make An Impact. Others were less sure.. He said, I need you to make sure Wayne isnt touching girls or is alone withthem.In a sick way, I already felt like that was myresponsibility.. [26], International Communion of Charismatic Churches, "Cornerstone's pastor elevated to higher rank", "Rev. The prosecution in his trial had rested its case, and the defense had begun calling witnesses when the plea deal was struck. CJ Mahaney, the founding pastor of Sovereign Grace Ministries (SGM), recentlyspoke at a conference called Conviction to Lead 2013 at an SGM megachurch in Knoxville after a long absence from the public eye. When a pastor resigns after his 77-church network is implicated in "the largest evangelical sex abuse scandal to date," how long does it take for him to regain the trust of his colleagues? Theres really no other option unless you want to be partakers of their sins. As part of the unusual plea agreement, both prosecution and defense agreed that neither side would be allowed to discuss the reasons for the sudden deal. Gillis didnt thinkto lookatWayne Aarums personnel file at the time, he said. Thats an improper assumption on your part. To say the good pastors problems are a media invention is hopelessly naive. Pastor Pitts hired some very fine attorneys and, in the end, all charges except for two criminal trespass misdemeanors were suddenly dropped. It was 1997, and Aarum was her youth pastor. May God Bless. The Cstone app from Cornerstone Church connects you with everything that is happening. I just move to area when all that stuff was going on, I really didnt understand why. So I. The Cstone app from Cornerstone Church connects you with everything that is happening. In this December 2020 file photo, the Rev. Image: Courtesy photo . (Its in Maumee, a Toledo suburb.) I think not. Do you find yourself not telling them everything because they just wouldnt understand/agree? Oh, btw, I met mrs. pitts. Please E-mail me. What good is all this gossiping and backstabbing doing the Kingdom of God? This terminology is a reflection of the false teachings that it supports. I dont even have to examine the fruit in your life to know thats more than what youve done. We send our kids to camp and something happens, and we know about something, thats where it gets scary. Soyou be the judge, is someone righteous base on what they do, or what they believe? Cornerstone is aggressivly moving the kingdom forward, why dont you check out one of their live services online? You would think, If I were going to impersonate someone of any stature at all that I would atleast spell things correctly and not say things like I have an understudy degree in law. Some peoples zeal needs redirected because it is more detrimental than it is beneficial. So the vampires gave it to them. It would not square with what I know his character is. After all thats what they teach isnt it, if you give enough youll get rich? p.s. We believe they are telling the truth, The Chapel's lead pastor, Jerry Gillis, said in an interview with USA TODAY NETWORK reporters. Maybe the bucket passing a few years ago is what it was, and it got mixed up in the rumor mill.?? You said it best, Pastor Pitts one of great teachers of Gods word in this generation, I invite you to attend Cornerstone and see for yourself. Well, Im glad someone missed me!! But it is idiotic and foolish to make a judgement when you are unaware of a million facts that are never presented to you. Cornerstone Church (Maumee) - All You Need to Know BEFORE You Go Contact Sarah at STADDEO@Gannett.com. So thats why, on this page, Ive posted a few old articles from my old newspaper. Most people who have problems with the Cornerstone are not looking at it from a religious point of view. Men will rise and men will fall but the one I came to preach about is JESUS! It was almost like I needed that from him, said Poulsen, who now lives inAmherst. Hindsight isa ridiculously good teacher.. But the Ranchsboard rejected Hilliker's findings, Fancher said. Ive never called you anything close to a prick. Not only has Mahaney praised Mohler, hedonatedover $100,000 to Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. Quite the contrary, I believe he does more harm to the Body of Christ than good. She was 15, and he told her she was amazing. caused Mohlers faith in Mahaney to waver on iota. Free speech is great isnt it? Thats what bothers you! Not spreading rumors. When reached by phone, Hilliker said she could not comment on what her recommendations were orwhether they were accepted or rejected by the board. I will not validate thier slander with comment, suffice to say, the gentleman from NJ has a point and it should render this debate over the alleged dealings of one man moot. Pastor Implicated in Sex Abuse Scandal is Back It is obvious that the Delta incident did occur. This is the man that appeared on the. The truth is that God holds us and judges us and makes us accountable for our actions. Also, if you read the articles, the Pastor was driving a Black Cadillac at the time and a parishioner saw him in his green Saab. (For those who havent read up on Pitts, most of the charges he faced were derived from people who saw a man meeting his description masturbating in a public place, like a park or a parking lot. I went there for half my life. But I know, your not mad in the slightest. He is just a man. Themeeting with the Circle C board, brokered by The Chapel,demonstrated the boards reticence to acknowledge apattern of troubling behavior from Aarum. Everything is just a gray area.. in any way. The statement was withdrawn after it drew widespread criticism. The . I guess members of Cornerstone have enough faith to get saved but not enough faith to get rich. A legal warrant. Numerous people have come forward over the past twenty years alleging sexual abuse, harassment, exploitation, and assault from high ranking ministers at Cornerstone Church. All Im doing here is making sure that people who are interested in the church have full access to information about it. You are right, I notice something about Toledo Area. We had the evidence on him, said Mr. Smith, but we would have had to bring two boys to the edge of hell to bring it out. I agree with Lily on the things that she compares with the Bible. Apparently Josh is too busy to check this forum any longer. As far as the exposure incidents go, he didnt have any excuses because he held to the fact that he was innocent. Similarly, if anyone wants to read an article written by Josh Benton they could visit the DMNs website. Because if it is. Cornerstone Church is located across NW Ohio . Thats it! Then, in 2012,Elle Campbell, a staff member and youth leader at The Chapel,went tocurrentLeadPastor Jerry Gillisabout a concerning incident between a youth group member and Aarum at Snow Camp. In all of those years, much to the shame of its leaders, I have NEVER heard such righteous teaching. Within a year, however, she said she would go to the police to report heruneaseabout thehabitsshed seen develop betweenWayne Aarum and teenage girls at the camp. He certainly never earned any understudy degrees. According to Randy Fancher, a board member at the time,Hilliker's recommendations, relayed viaa meeting with board members and later in a thread of emails to board members, were that Aarum resign permanently and be replaced,and that the board be restructured to add more non-family members. He stood in harms way to protect Gods people, he faced death and peril to protect Gods peoplehe was righteous. All of these memories were in the cloud of deception that Wayne had manufactured through a careful grooming process.. You sure seem to have everything figured out I just hope you dont ever need any grace or mercy since it is certain that you aernt offering any to Pastor Michael or anyone elso for that matter. And Kathy, re: your comment: Id rather have a pastor who is filled with love and compassion.two qualities definitely lacking in Pitts. My opinion. Dear anonymous commenter, His face, withbrighteyes, asalt-and-pepper goateeand weatheredsmile lines, could easily blend inwith those of otherlikable dads. Silleman confirmed in May that theSheriffs Office investigation isclosed. Just excuses. Truth always outlives a lie. The boys identified him in person, right there! Well, coincidentally Cornerstone is not a cult. did ya miss me?? you go girl!! The bible is very clear that its not what we do but what we belive that make us righteous. The Craziest Things Cornerstone Church Pastor - San Antonio Current If he is a complete charlatan like you think, he must have built his church by plain business and marketing sense. God takes care of His own Lily, I think youd better remember that and to finish that statement you can look to the Bible! Several women, including McDonald and Ashley Scibilia, 37, of Grand Island, separately remember him touching their crotches or inner thighs over their clothes while sitting in semi-public areas. Have you ever listened to him? The judge was SOOOO MAD! So, yeah, I certainly dont say God unless Im saying it to speak to Him, or talking about Him to someone else. So there are two possibilities: A warrant isnt a subpoena (which you coincidentally also spelled wrong try the spell check again). You obviously only attended Pastor Pitts church as periodically and never really listened to what he preached theres no way you would be so foolish as you are now to touch Gods anointed. [19] Following the trial, Metroparks ranger Russell Maneval was suspended for 60 days by the Toledo Area Metroparks for falsifying information on police logs involved in the Toledo case. Pitts can petition state to get license back. Afterward he recieved a standing ovation. The Lord showed Bishop Pitts to me in a very vivid dream because I was idolizing him. It looks like we have some Christian potty mouths in here. PLEASE SHARE THIS PETITION ON SOCIAL MEDIA! But by not speaking up or following up on complaints, they are in fact providing passive support.. You have the same response to everything just like I do. Thankyou Doug! Its called the 10 Commandments. hey try posting it one more time I think I missed it. I need to make one correction in my statements. Let the mean rest? Who was without sin Christ was! MAUMEE--A local pastor convicted of drunk driving is back home. Are you going to be labeled in some way.such as proud or self-righteous? But then again, dealing with false teachers is never pleasant. Did you see him doing the act.. Not just the ones called to a pulpit and their families. Non the less, Free speech is allowed unless it causes the defamation (sorry for the previous quirk, spell check is a genious) of character in more than verbalized, and reserved form, or prevention of potential income. Learn more. Non relevant to any of this. It is what a person believes that makes him righteous. But during his tenure at Circle C,Ferchenadmitted that he saw Aarumclosely embrace girls, and that, on multiple occasions, he happened upon Aarum and a girlspeaking together in secluded rooms or spaces. You have never heard Pastor Michael say anything like not tithing will send you to hell. Jesus is the only thing that sends you to heaven and not knowing him is the only thing that sends you to hell.